Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis for CVS Health Corporation

CVS Health Corporation is one of the leading American retail pharmacy and healthcare company which has its headquarters in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. The company has had steady growth over the recent years and its expansion is attributed to its ability to carry out an effective SWOT analysis. This analysis has enabled the company to identify its strengths, weaknesses and external strategic factors such as opportunities and threats. The main objective of this article is to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of CVS Health Corporation.

The steady growth of CVS Health Corporation is based on its numerous strengths that have enabled it to thrive in the competitive market. The company automated its production hence enabling the company to produce quality goods and scale up and down based market demand. The company has also gained profits in capital expenditure and it is very effective in executing new projects. CVS Health Corporation also generates good returns by creating new revenue streams.[1] The company also merged with other complimentary firms via mergers and acquisition to maximize production and enhance its supply chain.

            Despite its tremendous success, CVS Health Corporation has also experienced some challenges. One of the setbacks that the company has encountered is a limited success outside its core business. Diversification of production is also another major failure of the company. It has stuck in production of specific commodities in line with its present culture. The company also experiences a high attrition rate in the workforce hence they have to spend more on training and employee development as compared to its competitors.[2] The company is also not efficient in product demand and forecasting hence it misses numerous opportunities as compared to its competitors.


"CVS Health SWOT Analysis Matrix [step by Step] Weighted SWOT." Fern Fort University.      Accessed November 7, 2018.        health.php.

               1. "CVS Health SWOT Analysis Matrix [step by Step] Weighted SWOT." Fern Fort University. Accessed November 7, 2018. health.php.

            2. "CVS Health SWOT Analysis Matrix [step by Step] Weighted SWOT."

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