Sociological Perspectives in Business

Sociology: An Introduction

Sociology is one of the disciplines that replaces other areas of scientific inquiry by taking its particular perspective of investigating human life and the factors that influence social interactions. Contemporary sociology has expanded to focus more on diverse subjects such as internet, health and the administration of penal organizations. The scientific methodologies being used have also broadened to utilize various qualitative and quantitative methods. Some social theories are also shared with humanities to help focus on different areas. One of the main sectors of application is in the business environment depending on the orientation method used. The following is an analysis of some of the theoretical perspectives present in sociology and their perpetuation.

Theoretical Orientations

The micro perspective focuses on minor issues and the results of daily interactions involved in the social patterns. People analyze each problem and establish the best elements of practice. An example is the effect of negative attitudes to consumers. On the other hand, the macro-level analyzes the factors that fuel large social patterns of business. At some point, these issues incorporate the micro-level elements as part of the social processes and problems (Daniels " Gary. 1217) An excellent example is the effect of industrialization on older people. The levels offer a broad conceptualization of the fundamentals of society and how it functions.

Sociological Perspectives

Sociologists tend to employ three main theoretical perspectives under which these levels can be applied. First, there is the symbolic interactionism which is mainly analyzed under the micro-level. The method emphasizes the use of symbols to interpret certain events. People attach meanings to different symbols and then they act based on the expected results. When reflecting in a conversation scenario, every element can be used to interpret the events taking place provided it is explanatory. Contrary, some sociologists claim that the symbolic interactionism neglects the macro-level factors that can be used to build on various social structures.

Secondly, there is the functionalist perspective where each aspect of the society is interdependent and contributes to the formulation of the social cycle. An example is how the government offers scholarships to students whose parents pay taxes on which the government depend on to run. Social order and productivity are improved through the interaction of these elements (Hoogendoorn 284). Thirdly, there is the conflict theory that presents the society in a different as compared to the other methods. The approach focuses on the negative aspects that make up a culture. Through this, the conflict theorists encourage change and also challenge bad habits. There is a lot of competition among the theorist as they try to challenge the status quo of different people and institutions in society.

Sociological Concepts

Discrimination can be defined as unfair treatments of marginalized groups based on attitudes. Discriminatory behaviors are present within the domain of education, employment, health among others. The primary forms of discrimination include racial segregation, hostility towards the minority groups and denial of opportunities based on age or gender. Some of these cases occur as a result of making assumptions about members of a particular group. Both economic and gender-based theories can be used to explain the causes and effect of discriminatory actions in various sectors. There is a big difference between discrimination and prejudice. A prejudiced person may not act based on other people's attitudes. Someone can be prejudiced towards a particular group of individuals but not eliminated from them which means that prejudice mainly focuses on attitudes and behavior (Mouzelis 14). The stereotype theory is the most commonly used method to explain the effects of social norms on prejudice. One of the main advantages of the approach is that it helps people to respond rapidly to situations because we may be having similar experiences before.

According to Pearson et al. (330), race is a social construction because people are mainly defined according to culture, time and places. In most communities, the association of people to their color still exists where there are different groups of people including whites, blacks, Asians and Latin Americans. Racisms is a form of racial inequality based on the belief that some people are weak or of less value than others. Racism can be explained through discrimination and prejudice. The issue is mainly present at cultural, institutional and individual levels. When analyzed from a positive perspective, the three elements can be used to promote social order. Racism can be explained through functionalism and conflict theory.


Analytical sociology is among the primary methods that are used to systematize different social aspects. To be able to apply these theories in the business world, organizations and individuals need to understand the shift in customer habits and preferences. Outside the corporate world, sociology can be applied in learning, medical and governmental institutions as a pattern of change. In sociology, it is hard to think globally because society is made up different sectors that involve various forms of culture and practices. However, when analyzed carefully, there is a link between the ways people develop their societies and the effects.

Works Cited

Daniels, Michael A., " Gary J. Greguras. "Exploring the nature of power distance: Implications for micro-and macro-level theories, processes, and outcomes." Journal of Management 40.5 (2014): 1202-1229.

Hoogendoorn, Brigitte. "The prevalence and determinants of social entrepreneurship at the macro level." Journal of Small Business Management 54 (2016): 278-296.

Mouzelis, Nicos P. Back to sociological theory: the construction of social orders. Springer, 2016.

Pearson, Adam R., John F. Dovidio, " Samuel L. Gaertner. "The nature of contemporary prejudice: Insights from aversive racism." Social and Personality Psychology Compass 3.3 (2017): 314-338.

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