Social Skills of Children

Social skills allow effective communication good interactions of children with their parents through their life. It is, therefore, necessary for children to have key personal skills and qualities as they develop in the family system and interact with their parents.


i. Identify what shapes early social behaviors of children in society.

ii. Identify why children have similar responses to their parents in the social context

iii. To identify why children show tolerance of the difference that exists between different individuals


i. There is the reason behind children’s having similar social responses to their parents.

ii. Children have developed the ability to listen to others

iii. They have improved the ability to empathize with others

iv. Children show a similar strength of tolerance of the differences between individuals

Search for the facts

Biological reasons profoundly influence children social skills. As children grow in the society biological reasons appear to change their behaviors. For instance in contemporary society gender is a critical factor that determines the child’s reaction and action while in the society. For example, as children grow up they get shaped by their parental gender, a boy would like to behave like their father and a girl would be developed by their mother's behavior. They depend on such biological basis when interacting and responding to their parents (Choi et al 1-17).

Psychological reasons

During early development of a child they seem to be emotional, every child would like to be listened to and think this opinions are the best. Exemplary these is  common to all young children as they grow up they also tend to look carefully and could comprehend their parent's reaction towards matters of discussion (Jaffee 109).

Social reasons

Childs behavior is as well influenced highly by their Peers since they interact with so many other children, they tend to copy their practices, and it is interesting that they might do the same at home while communicating with their parents. Categorically social based interaction, happen as children play with others, meet their friends at school or in church, such communication play a significant role in child's development (Belsky et al 650).


My reflection on why children tend to show similarity on why children have a social responsibility towards their parents. Is that I believe that other factors could be the foundation of the children behavior and reaction while interacting with their parents. I think that the past reaches are missing to connect the link between the culture and traditional roles in shaping the child's behavior at home. Additionally, I believe that there is the possibility of coming up with a real experience while identifying the factors shaping the young children behavior. There exists   a research gap, and further researches should be put in place to show the how parents behavior can negatively influence the children's behavior. Additionally, there is a need for comprehensive analysis highlighting the reason as to why many children think can apply the use of modern technology in improving their early social learning.


Home  Is the best place where children social skills can be developed and advance effectively, since if they have a safe climate where parents and other family members could get chance and opportunities to give their opinions beliefs and feelings to their children. According to research as they socialize children might show such positive skills which they learn from their parents, professional thought. Moreover, the families are the foundation of empathy and tolerance of the children (Quick et al 23).

Works cited

Belsky, Jay, Laurence Steinberg, and Patricia Draper. "Childhood experience, interpersonal development, and reproductive strategy: An evolutionary theory of socialization." Child development 62.4 (1991): 647-670.

Choi, Ji Young, et al. "Peer effects on low-income children's learning and development." Journal of school psychology 71 (2018): 1-17.

Jaffee, Sara R., et al. "Life with (or without) father: The benefits of living with two biological parents depend on the father's antisocial behavior." Child development 74.1 (2013): 109-126.

Quick, Mary Terry. Factors Contributing to Behavioral Kindergarten Readiness: Building Better Transitions from Preschool to Kindergarten. Diss. Northcentral University, 2018.

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