Sense of Touch

In my life, I would like to lose the sense of touch first before I lose the other senses which are critical for the welfare of humankind. The loss of touch is one of the congenital disorders that result from improper lymphocytic development before birth. Notably, congenital analgesia, a disorder in which a victim does not feel any physical pain in their bodies and it results from defects in the body cells leads to accumulation of injuries hence health issues. Although the loss of touch is hazardous to the welfare of an individual, people who suffer from congenital analgesia can initiate proper strategies that will help in improving their lives. For instance, one can become cautious and avoid the circumstances that can lead to physical injuries. Therefore, I perceive a loss of touch to be less detrimental to one's survival compared to other senses, and it will be appropriate if I lose the sense of touch before other senses.

The sense that I would like to lose last in my lifetime is the sense of equilibrium which emanates from vestibular disorders. Precisely, vestibular disorders such as mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDs), which is a condition whereby one feels unstable after an extended exposure to motion, especially when cruising, and MdDs results when an individual's brain fails to readapt to normal state after the patient has gone to a solid ground (Swerling). The loss of equilibrium significantly exposes an individual to a variety of health issues and prevents one from engaging in social activities in an effective manner. For instance, a person who has lost the sense of equilibrium cannot engage in pleasurable actions or walk properly thus adversely affecting one's welfare. Therefore, of all the senses, I would prefer to lose equilibrium last.

Work Cited

Swerling, Gabriella. “Suicidal father leapt in front of lorry — and survived.” The Times, 2017    May11. Web. April 21, 2018. <>

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