Samsung Electronics Limited Company

Samsung electronics limited company (which stated inSouth Korea but with most of its products now being manufactured from Vietnam) has been identified and named the top electronic brand producer and supplier, with its mobile gadgets and especially smartphones getting incomparable acknowledgment and approval in the current world digital revolution. Since its establishment back the year 1969, the company have managed through carrying a number research, increased capital expenditure and manpower, to transition its electronics products form the traditional analog form to digital.

Samsung, through its research, found that for the purpose of having a comparative advantage over its competitors first is to create a strong and reliable network around the world.  To achieve this, the global giant has branches in over 80 countries around the world which are managed and controlled from the company’s headquarters to achieve its business objective. Global electronics markets/outlets rely heavily on Samsung since clients brand their house with almost all Samsung products, a move that attracts more customers in the markets places (Design Solutions Analysis for Mobile Handsets, 2013).

Many people globally came to understand Samsung Company more through its mobile phones, even before the invention of smartphones which are now the high selling type of mobile phones in the markets, Samsung mobile quality, has never been in doubt.  One of the best strategies that the company employs is quality; Samsung spends considerable amounts of its revenue to do research. Through research, the company gets to know the opportunity available to improve its technological knowledge and employ tactics to add value to its products. The second strategy which is the most crucial one is listening to the client's claims and suggestion. To them, clients taste and preferences are their priority (Xu, 2016).

Samsung remains the giant’s producer of mobile phones and the most preferred brand by many. One of the reasons is that the company, through its comprehensive research, understands that the world has people of different social class financially and otherwise.Second, value for money is guaranteed once you purchase Samsung products. Though its products seem to be somehow expensive, the features they possess especially smartphones makes them worth the amount.

The third is availability, with fear of no contradiction, it’s true that in every electronic selling shop, you are bound to see Samsung products if not on display then it’s in a strategic point where you can see it,  the company products markets themselves easily with little or no cost. Forth is consistency, Samsungbombards the markets with new products one after the other which makes its clients feel more updated and digital in technology point of view different as its the case of other brands.

 However, other smartphone producing companies have started coming up with strategies similar to those of Samsung to best suit themselves in the global market competition. Companies like iPhone, OPPO, and techno have set up their specific repair points where their clients can go and get some assistant in case of any technical challenges and many other offers that help these companies compete fairly with Samsung in the market.

Samsung, through its wide range of products and consistency in upgrading and digitalization of its products, will for sometimes be the world, electronic giant, though there is stiff completion from other electronic producing companies like SONNY, LG, OPPO PHONES, and IPHONESamong others. Its attention to details, especially from its clients, investments in research and technological improvements give the company comparative advantage over its competitors.


Design Solutions Analysis for Mobile Handsets. (2013). Mobile Handset Design, 65-121.     doi:10.1002/9780470824696.ch3

Xu, D. (2016). Research on Influence of Sumsung Project on the International Logistics             Development of Shaanxi Province.Proceedings of the 2015 3rd International             Conferenceon Education, Management, Arts, Economics and Social             Science. doi:10.2991/icemaess-15.2016.49

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