Rhetorical Analysis of Tracy Chapman′s Song ″fast Car″

Rhetorical analysis in literary works allows artists to ensure appropriate passage of the intended message to the audience while ensuring that the piece of art is captivating and interesting. Emphasis on given ideas and facts in songs or written literature including novels and poems require the use of rhetorical devices to ensure attainment of motive and the required impact on the audience. This paper will analyze the use of rhetorical devices including anaphora, allusion, repetition and antithesis in the song ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman to deduce the motive of the singer in using the given techniques and the impact on the readers of the lyrics or the listeners of the song.

Rhetorical Devices

In the song ‘Fast Car,’ Tracy Chapman utilizes the anaphora rhetorical device in the song. Anaphora refers to the usage of the same phrase or word at the beginning of successive sentences or clauses in a literary work (Harris, 2018). Anaphora is evident in the song represented by examples including ‘And I had a feeling that I belonged. I had a feeling I could be someone,’ ‘You got a fast car. I got a plan’ and ‘He says his body is too old for working. His body is too young to look his’ (AzLyrics, 2018). The instances of anaphora are spread through the various lines and stanzas of the song. Tracy Chapman in the song ‘Fast Car’ uses anaphora to draw the attention of the listener or reader of the lyrics to the precise message in the given clause or stanza in the song. In the first example of anaphora, the use of the phrase ‘I had a feeling’ reiterates the emotional state and the thoughts of the singer that is intended to be understood by the listener or reader. In the second instance, the singer insists of what he and what the referee in the song had that could be used towards addressing the prevailing situation. In the third case, Tracy Chapman uses the phrase ‘his body is too’ to direct the attention of the reader on his old man’s body. The motive of Tracy Chapman in using anaphora is to focus the attention of the listener or reader of the lyrics to the given messages of the song. The impact of anaphora is that, the reader or listener is able to identify with the state of the singer, arouse emotions and allow the listener to understand the inner meaning of the song.

Tracy Chapman uses allusion rhetorical device in the song ‘Fast Car.’ Allusion refers to an indirect reference to an event, person or literary work to clarify or explain a complex problem (Harris, 2018). Tracy Chapman uses allusion as witnessed in the instances including ‘is it fast enough so we can fly away?,’ ‘speed so fast I feel like I was drunk’ and ‘buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs’ (AzLyrics, 2018) Tracy Chapman uses allusion to explain and clarify events mentioned in the song for deeper understanding and allowing the listener to identify with the physical and mental state of the singer in the song. A car is not manufactured but Tracy Chapman asks if it can ‘fly’ to clarify his preference for high speed. When a person is drunk, it is evident that the physical and mental sensitivity is compromised and in alluding speed with being ‘drunk’, Tracy Chapman explains the intense feeling associated with driving in high speed. ‘Suburbs’ are associated with affluent lives where people with high income and wealth live. Tracy Chapman uses the allusion of ‘suburbs’ to clarify the kind of life being yearned for in the song. Tracy Chapman uses the allusion rhetorical devices to create a clear understanding of the message in the song by clarifying and explaining further the events and wishes in the song. The effect of illusion is that, it allows the reader or listener to understand complex events mentioned by Tracy Chapman in the song.

Tracy Chapman uses the repetition rhetorical device in the song ‘Fast Car.’ Repetition in literary work refers to the repeating of phrases or words in a text to create emphasis on given ideas or facts (Harris, 2018). Instances of repetition in the song ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman include ‘I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone,’ ‘so remember when we were driving, driving your car’ and ‘you will find work and I will get promoted we will move out’ (AzLyrics, 2018). In the first example, Tracy Chapman repeats the phrase ‘be someone’ to emphasizes on the urge by the singer to live a worthwhile life. In the second instance, the singer reiterates on the idea of driving whereby, the singer requires the addressee to deduct memories from a past event that is giving meaning to the current situation. In the third case, the word ‘will’ is repeated to emphasize that the reference being made is from a future time in that the fact or idea being related is yet to occur. Tracy Chapman uses repetition to direct the concentration of the reader of the lyrics or the listener of the song to the given facts or ideas mentioned in the song. By repeating the given words or phrases, the audiences’ attention is drawn to the given aspects. The impact of repetition includes the fact that the listener of the song is able to concentrate on the given ideas and facts while filtering the effects of rhythm and instruments used in the song.

Tracy Chapman in the song ‘Fast Car’ uses the antithesis rhetorical device. Antithesis refers to the use of phrases in a literary work that emphasize on the contrast between two ideas (Harris, 2018). In the song ‘Fast car’ the instances of the antithesis include ‘He says his body is too old for working. His body is too young to look like his,’ ‘leave tonight or live and die this way’ and ‘ you will find work and I will get promoted’ (AzLyrics, 2018). In the first instance of antithesis, Tracy Chapman allows the reader of the lyrics or the listener of the song to contrast the notion of the old man being old to work and the body being too young. The audience is able to focus on the contrast and deduct the singer’s deeper meaning on the idea of old age. In the second instance, Tracy Chapman allows the reader to contrast the idea of leaving and remaining also, in the case of work, there is a contrast between the singer being promoted and the addressee getting a promotion. The motive of Tracy Chapman in using antithesis is to arouse the readers of the lyrics and the listeners of the song to think deeper and relate the contrasting ideas in the song. The impact of antithesis is the enhancing of the audiences’ curiosity and concentration on given facts and ideas.


The song ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman successfully communicates its message to the listeners and readers of the lyrics by utilizing anaphora, allusion, repetition and antithesis rhetorical devices. The success of a song is founded on creating a captivating rhythm, emotional arousal and passage of the intended message in a creative and interesting manner. Tracy Chapman attains the motive of communicating ideas and facts to the audience by ensuring that the rhetorical techniques used affect the attention of the audience on certain phrases and words that bear deeper meaning.


AzLyrics. (2018). Tracy Chapman Lyrics. Online. Available at https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/tracychapman/fastcar.html. Accessed April 21st, 2018.

Harris, R. A. (2018). Writing with clarity and style: A guide to rhetorical devices for contemporary writers. New York, NY : Routledge, 2018

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