Public Smoking and Non-Smokers

Smoking is an endemic problem that not only affects smokers, but also goes as far as affecting innocent non-smoking public. At the core of this problem is the issue of smoking in public places. Being a risk to public health a ban on public smoking can be a life saver, from protecting mom-smokers to ensuring a clean environment to protecting the smokers themselves and also promoting health lifestyles, it seems there is so much more to instituting a ban on public smoking that what meets the eye. While pundits of this ban might argue that it is against the rights of a portion of these citizens who are caught in the habit, it is worth noting that non-smokers too also have the right to a clean and fresh air and most importantly, a life free from avoidable diseases.

Key words: public smoking, smokers, non-smokers, environment, healthy lifestyle, diseases.

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