Psychology of Parenthood

The Sphere of Psychology of Parenting

The sphere of psychology of parenting is very heterogeneous. It includes both psychology of paternity, and psychology of motherhood, if meaning a division by gender. Parenthood itself is understood as a socio-psychological phenomenon, which is an emotionally and estimated coloring of knowledge, as well as beliefs about oneself as a parent, which is realized in all manifestations of the behavioral component of parenthood. It includes both spouses who decided to give birth to a new human. It topic is extensive and, accordingly, so many analyzes, and studies have been conducted. This document examines two articles concerning parenthood and its psychological aspects.

Article 1: Landry (2014)

Landry (2014) has been studying children’s development of the cognitive and social skills on the advanced level and obtained many conclusions. The researcher worked on investigation of socio-cultural theories and how they are relevant in the reality. Children’s upbringing, how it affects their minds and perception of the world and of other people were the key issues to study and consider. From this article I learned, first, that the main determinant of being ready for parenting is awareness. Competent parenting directly affects a child and the relationship between a parent and his or her kid. Mastering the whole complex of types of contact as it from an early age to a school age forms the basis of parental competence. Low competence, on the contrary, leads to problems in the mental development of a child. It is a very important issue, since from the personal experience I can state that I always notice that those parents who have children in a hardship have them unintentionally and it interferes with full contact with a son or a daughter.

The Importance of Love in Parenting

I can conclude that the main thing that a child needs from a parent is love. Loving one’s child is natural, but also the most difficult in parenting. A child deprived of the attention of the parents, not sure of their love, gets a deep psychological trauma, experiences pain that would accompany him or her all his or her life. In addition, increased attention and visible care often hide a spiritual emptiness, lack of deep and true feelings. The matter is that a child is vitally important in the belief that he or she is always loved, no matter what. Parents have life experience and knowledge that are not yet available to a baby. The wisdom of good parents lies in the ability to see a unique personality that requires respect, even in the smallest child.

Article 2: ( offers scientific and psychological articles on diverse topics related to both newborn children and adolescents that will go to school soon. These can be expert advice on what activities a child needs, how to sit properly and how many hours to sleep, depending on age. This site gives the ground for reflection and research on diverse topics. For example, the article “Why Researchers Say Snuggling with Baby Has Lifelong Positive Effects” was written by Melissa Willets. The author reveals the importance of tactile contact with the child and how this affects his or her future development.

Article 3: Belsky (2014)

Belsky (2014) argued that not all parents stimulate the growth of child upbringing. The author conducted a study on the topic that disobedient children are prone to develop behavioral problems, which can cause negative characteristics in the future. This topic addresses the issue of mental development in terms of active or passive parent involvement. In the first months of life, in addition to talking, the child for development in 1 - 3 months is extremely useful to hear also parental singing, for example. It can contribute to a faster and more effective familiarity of the baby with a rich variety of sounds of the speech range and rhythm. It is impossible to effectively stimulate a child’s development without maintaining tactile contact with the child. Hugs, and as it was mentioned in the previous article, cause confidence in the parent. Up to six months of age it is better to do it in a horizontal position, and later in the vertical position.

Determinants of Successful Parenting

It can be concluded that the determinants of successful parenting are the personal characteristics of the parents, which contribute to the formation of effective interrelations and relationships in the family as a small group: openness, flexibility of attitudes, tolerance, frankness, the need for belonging to a group, self-control, calm attitude to failure, education of native children, leadership qualities. Such parents are characterized by emotional stability and reduced aggression. Successful parenting implies an attitude toward one’s own parenthood as a mechanism for self-realization. The results of the formation of parenthood are manifested in the specifics of the realization of the parental role and are determined by the measure of mastering by a person of objective social norms and requirements, as well as by his subjective semantic attitudes toward the taking of such role.

Website: is the website where parents of different ages and occupations can find useful information concerning various issues such as fertility, pregnancy, child upbringing and the specifics of this process. This site is also useful for parents of inexperienced, who do not have much knowledge. It brings up many questions, for example, natural parenting. It implies the care of children, based on the satisfaction of their physical and emotional desires and needs. First, it is based on the theory of evolution, on the development of the human cub as a specific species. By itself, this technique assumes maximum convergence of a baby and its mother.


Belsky, Jay. (2014). Social-Contextual Determinants of Parenting. Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Development. Retrieved on January 26, 2018,

Landry, Susan H. (2014). The Role of Parents in Early Childhood Learning. Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Development. Retrieved on January 26, 2018, from

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