Positive and Negative Aspects of Technological Replacement of Humans

Throughout human civilization, one of the most important markers of progress for the human race has been advancement in technology and tools used to make life and general existence easier. From archaic the use of stone tools, to the revolutionary wheel, steam engine, automobile, compute, and internet, technological replacement of mundane actions has become a mainstay in human advancement. Importantly, each of the advancements in human civilization has been characterized by both positive and negative attributes. However, this paper argues that the replacement of humans by technology is mostly positive. Some of the most apparent items to support the proposition include the improved agricultural production systems due to increased efficiencies derived from employment of technology and thus, higher food security for a ballooning global population. Additionally, technology has ensured better work safety as different gadgets are employed to ensure workers are safer in the work environment such as automated sprinkler systems in case of fire and use of machinery in deep mine shafts reducing risks to human life. Furthermore, technology has facilitated better reach, exploration, and exploitation of remote areas such as oil mining in the arctic sea and space exploration.

One of the most recognizable and appreciated positive change resulting from the replacement of humans by technology is automation. According to the article by Wired, automation has enabled industries to perform tasks faster and promote efficiency consequently, increasing productivity levels especially with regard to hard/tasking and repetitive tasks. Consequently, automation enables optimal employment of scarce resources to ensure the most efficient means of production and increasing the levels of production. Additionally, Alton identifies that in addition to cost savings, other benefits include greater safety and minimal impacts of production on the environment. Accordingly, the adoption of an automation process in a company ensures that there are minimal labor and overhead costs as human resource frictions are highly reduced which results in an increase in profits and lower pricing of goods. Consequently, automation is a positive aspect of technological replacement of humans in the workplace and it ensures the expansion of production at minimal costs.

While technological advancements have proved essential in the improvement of critical areas such as medicine, quantum computing, Nano, and space technology, they have also been critical in facilitating the everyday mundane activities such as education and the care for the elderly through social robots. From the article by CNN, social robots are already in use for educational purposes in many schools among different global nations. While the educational robots will not entirely replace teachers in the classroom, they are important as they will improve the engagement of students in their learning process. Additionally, McGinn presents that the future social robot will revolutionize the home care for the elderly and people with disabilities. From the arguments, the author presents that social robots can be used to constantly check for the safety and wellbeing of people while ensuring privacy of the individuals. Evidently, the increased use of technology such as social robots will not only improve critical areas such as better computing but will also improve daily human activities.

The other positive aspect that arises from the replacement of humans by technology is the better and optimal employment of resources especially in the security sector where the use of drones, scanners, and satellites ensure that the available human resources are efficiently used to improve both national and global security. The use of drones in war will increasingly keep soldiers out of any physical harm while better employment of ethical training will ensure that the soldiers are psychologically prepared for the new form of warfare (Kaag). The remote operation of drones thus enables soldiers to go to war from the comfort of their own country while maintaining pinpoint precision, which ensures that there is small need for large numbers of military personnel to protect the nation from both internal and external threats. Furthermore, Metz presents that higher use of artificial intelligence in defense will enable easier identification of people and items captures in drone and CCTV footages thus enabling better preparedness for different threats. As a result, the use of A.I. will enable the current security forces to effectively cover border and internal security as analysts will be able to easily investigate various items that may pose threat to security. The increased use of technology therefore, will ensure better use of the available security resources and improve security in general.

 One of the constant objections towards the use of technology to replace humans is the argument of increased unemployment. The process of automation may result in rendering most manual and repetitive tasks obsolete and thus create unemployment. However, the use of technology is dependent on human input to operate and maintain and also ensures that there is increase in production thus opening new opportunities for the replaces employees. Williams argues that the fears of technology creating unemployment also affected the advent of the automobile but such fear were crashed as the motor vehicle industry created millions of jobs. The new robots and gadgets will require software engineers and hardware engineers to ensure they continue operating properly thus creating the required jobs. Additionally, technology will require the development of the emotional and human judgment aspects of jobs such as law (Hall). The above aspects will create new positions and ensure continued employment in mediation, negotiations, and dispute resolution. Evidently, the constant unemployment fears arising from technological advancement should be replaced with optimism for opportunities that the advancements present.

In conclusion, the replacement of humans by technology is mainly positive. Better productions due to automation, improved daily activities such as education and care for the elderly and disabled, and optimal employment of resources in security forces through use of drones are clear evidence of the above claim. Despite the fears that technological advancements such as artificial intelligence will result in unemployment, the same advancement will lead to creation of new opportunities. From the discussions above, it is prudent to recommend for increased advancement in technology such as quantum computing which will create new opportunities and possibly enable exploration of space and other worlds such as Mars and improve human civilization.

Works Cited

Alton, Larry. “How Should Millennials Prepare for The Coming Robotic Revolution?”. Forbes, 2018, https://www.forbes.com/sites/larryalton/2018/01/29/how-should-millennials-prepare-for-the-coming-robotic-revolution/#29cb7e6f1058

Cable News Network. “Can robots teach?” YouTube, 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YtpNwC7BNc

Hall, Rachel. "Ready for Robot Lawyers? How Students Can Prepare for The Future of Law". The Guardian, 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/law/2017/jul/31/ready-for-robot-lawyers-how-students-can-prepare-for-the-future-of-law. Accessed 18 Nov 2018.

Kaag, John. "Drones, Ethics and The Armchair Soldier". Opinionator, 2018, https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/17/drones-ethics-and-the-armchair-soldier/. Accessed 18 Nov 2018.

McGinn, Conor. "The Robot That Could Revolutionize Home Care for Elderly People". The Independent, 2017, https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/the-robot-that-could-revolutionise-home-care-for-elderly-people-stevie-us-a8068931.html.  Accessed 18 Nov 2018.

Metz, Cade. "Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?". Nytimes.Com, 2018, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/26/technology/pentagon-artificial-intelligence.html. Accessed 18 Nov 2018.

Williams, Alex. "Will Robots Take Our Children’S Jobs?". Nytimes.Com, 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/11/style/robots-jobs-children.html. Accessed 18 Nov 2018.

Wired. “The Future of Your Job in the Age of AI | Robots " Us | WIRED”. YouTube,

2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMIsbl3DIL8

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