Plato's Theory of Forms

The philosophical works of Plato make some of the world's most widely studied and read works (Brickhouse and Nicholas). Most of his philosophy by his teacher, Socrates who remains at the center of most of his work. Other philosophers who have influenced his dialogues by their philosophical perspectives are Heraclitus, Pythagoreans, and Parmenides. Like his influencers, Plato liked to use analogies and myths to explain his philosophical thoughts. However, these were not the only distinctive features of Plato’s philosophy (Kraut). One distinctive feature about him is that he used the dialogue form in writings. These dialogues were in the form of philosophical debates that often began with a setting for the topic of discussion. These philosophical thoughts revolve around ethics, politics, moral behaviour, metaphysics and epistemology (Brickhouse and Thomas). Plato’s philosophy is built upon a specific doctrine that distinguishes reality from defectiveness in the world.

He postulates that appearance of the world as perceived by human’s senses is faulty and defective. He further argues that there is a more real or rather perfect realm that is made up of Forms, also known as Ideas. According to Plato, these abstract Forms are eternal and cannot be changed and are many instances considered models for worldly perceptions. These abstract forms include; goodness, equality, beauty, change, unity, and justice among other abstract nouns of this kind. In a more contextualized manner, Plato implies that the Form of what we consider as beauty is perfect beauty, and that of justice, perfect justice. If this is true, then it means that the Form of an idea is its perfect form, despite the worldly and human perceptions that may be associated with it.

Therefore according to Plato’s philosophy, consequences of actions are based on the ability of an individual to conceive reality from the perspective of Ideas or Forms. Plato urges individuals to take up the reality of the Forms in comparison with the defectiveness of the world. Regarding this, he claims that the human soul can sustain its ability to tap into the Forms and Ideas. As a result, the consequences individuals face in life are based on the choices made previously, especially regarding the Forms and Ideas (Kraut).

It is these ideologies that make up the theory of Forms. According to Plato, Forms the existence of forms is in an abstract state and perfect. They are in a realm that cannot be perceived by the human minds. In Plato’s Republic, he uses an analogy to explain the essence of Forms versus the perception of the world. In the analogy, Plato compares conventional thinking as individuals who reside in a cave who only got to see campfire-created shadows. These shadows are compared to the real physical objects in Plato’s world of forms. On the cave, he states that only individuals with the audacity and ability to step out of the ‘cave’ into the reality of Forms should rule. Using the theory of form, he implies that political leadership should be for those who can discern between the world’s defectiveness and the reality based on the Forms (Macintosh).

Although various scholars have questioned Plato’s theory of Forms, it remains a major foundation and part of his philosophy and knowledge. Several other theories and postulates have been based on this theory. The theory of Forms also supports ideologies such as utilitarianism, which Plato's account tend to incline to its perspectives.

Works Cited

Brickhouse, Thomas, and Nicholas Smith. "Plato (427-347 B.C.E)." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

Macintosh, David. "Plato: A Theory of Forms." Philosophy Now, 2012,

Kraut, Richard. “Plato.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2017,

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