Operationalizing Independent and Dependent Variables

A variable is an idea, object, event or time that can be measured. There are two types of variables; independent and dependent variable. The independent variable is one that stands alone, and they are not changed by any other variable being measured. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the variable being determined. The value or nature of a dependent variable is dependent on the nature or value of independent variables. For instance, the dependent variable in the article is finding or coming up with the real solution to the terror-related activities depending on the policies, strategies, and approaches aimed at countering the effort of terror groups. On the other hand, independent variables are:

i. Negotiations and conciliation

ii. Stopping foreign countries from sponsoring terror groups and their activities

iii. Genuine interest

Operationalizing the independent variables

Negotiations and conciliations

Through talks, governments can limit the activities of terror groups. Countries and the international community can address the members of the terror group by ascertaining the success of the process. This is due to the difference in opinion of the terrorists that do not coincide with that of different governments and rational people. However, this calls for utmost care as peace negotiations may further aggravate situations and cause more violence than intended. Therefore leaders participating in the talks should be evaluated to ensure that they have genuine interests in finding permanent solutions to the terror problem. Vital to the negotiation process is the laying down of the conditions for the parties to efficiently negotiate and bring to halt violence and other adversities propagated by the terror members. For a successful negotiation, some elements must be adhered to. Coordination between different countries, careful selection of the negotiators, genuine interest, and open communication are prerequisites for a fruitful discussion regarding the solutions to the terrorism problem.

Conciliation model addresses the challenge of terrorism and acknowledges that the vice emanates from political issues. This is a result of the parties involved trying to justify their way of accessing political power by advancing violence and other tendencies that characterize terrorism.

Stop foreign countries from sponsoring terrorist groups and their activities

This can be operationalized by the international community by ensuring that all countries share common perspective towards terrorist groups and their actions. Because terror groups often take advantage of apparent rifts between different countries as an opportunity to advance their interests, fostering unity and understanding between nations will be a boon. Lack of coordination between the different countries is a prerequisite to the failure in the advancement of counter-terrorism strategies.

Genuine interest

All the parties involved in the negotiation process should have sincere and honest interest in finding a permanent solution on the issue of terrorism. This is to ensure that all the promises, pledges and decisions made by the involved groups are real and must be met as a way of fulfilling the obligations. There are instances where different governments have failed to honor their commitments, has ended causing more adversities which is contrary to the motivation to negotiate.


Summing up the discussion mentioned above, if independent variables were operationalized, there would be minimal use of physical modes of averting terrorism and all the activities that come with it.

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