Merchandising of Cool to Youngsters

The "Merchants of Cool"

The “Merchants of cool” is about marketers whose target consumers are the young generation. This target market is continuously monitored and researched through surveys and focus groups. This data is then incorporated into their marketing campaigns. The principles of advertising which include honesty, fairness and responsibility are included in every message passed across. The three stakeholders involved in merchandising of cool to youngsters is Disney, MacDonalds, and MTN.

Controversial Issues in Marketing Campaigns

There are many controversial issues in these marketing campaigns that have been raised by parents and activists. The ethical issues raised include; The marketing commercials and shows have created unnecessary pressure and anxiety among the youths. Therefore, they miss out on the right old fashion and imagination the young person should experience. It is apparent this is the opposite to the principle of beneficence which states that we have the mandate to bring good in our actions. The marketing campaign does not conform to this principle.

Deviation from Autonomy Principle

Marketers have a tendency to establish consumer loyalty in their brands. Although their target market consists of young kids and teenagers who don’t know the difference between commercials and the shows they watch. This group is vulnerable to sexual and adult based content. Since the marketing campaign does not respect the autonomous status of the youth; this can be seen as a deviation from the principle of autonomy. The campaigns interfere with the youth’s decision-making abilities. Again, the campaigns can be seen as a reciprocal to just and fair treatment. They want the youth to experience a state of life which they did not experience and would not want to.

Educational Campaigns for Awareness

Educational campaigns should be conducted to create awareness about the marketing strategies which have negative impacts on the youth. Parents and teachers should watch out for the contents that the kids watch and warn them about the negative ones. They should be taught to love themselves, enjoy their childhood, socialize more and not stress on what they see on social media. Marketing firms should do their research not only on how to maintain and gain new consumers but on how to impact the society positively by empowering the youth. This is essential to build a responsible and healthy environment for the youths and kids.

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