McDonaldization and Its Impact on Society

According to the student, McDonaldization leads to the emergence of workplaces that are dehumanizing and alienating to workers or consumers because of the inappropriate strategies that the organizations apply. However, an analysis of McDonaldized enterprises indicates that they provide services that are satisfactory because most of them observe hygiene and are efficient in serving customers. The efficiency of McDonaldized firms is appropriate since it helps in ensuring that clients get services promptly and proceed with their duties. Also, McDonaldization is not dehumanizing to workers because a temporary employment allows employees to work at their convenience and earn as they continue seeking for permanent jobs. Convenience of temporary employment is essential for workers since it allows one to undertake some roles in other companies hence generate substantial incomes that enable them to meet their financial needs.

            The student opines that McDonaldization also leads to irrational practices that are detrimental to the environment. Contrary to the claim above, McDonaldized firms adhere to recommended production procedures available in the industries where they operate hence cannot engage in unethical practices and adversely affect the environment. Moreover, various nations have regulatory entities that will not allow McDonaldized firms to use irrational production strategies.

            Finally, the student argues that McDonaldized systems perceive big firms as more suitable compared to small sizes. However, contrary to the student's assertion, McDonaldized businesses have resorted medium-sized stores to help them benefit from the opportunities that large organizations have and limit challenges that small firms encounter while undertaking their production activities. Moderation of business sizes helps McDonaldized companies to successfully implement their core values of efficiency and minimization of costs of operation hence effectively compete with their rivals.

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