Learning is an intrinsic part of the human development process. Nonetheless, students tend to experience many challenges in the learning process, which may negate their overall performances in classroom settings. The creation of an appropriate classroom setting is a vital component in the reinforcement of student participation and ultimate success. The video Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education by Salman Khan highlights the significance of incorporating video learning in the contemporary learning experiences.
In the video, Salman Khan presented his journey in the attempts to redefine student experiences. Mainly, the speech centered around the Khan Academy, which alludes to carefully structured series of educational videos which offer full curriculums in math and other subjects. The video lessons offered by the speaker and educator reveal the importance of interactive exercises. In the session, Khan (2011) called upon teachers to embrace technology and flip the conventional learning settings. The initiative is projected to augment student willingness and performance. Primarily, the use of videos encourages students to partake actively in the process and facilitates efficient interactions between teachers and students (Hardin, " Longhurst, 2016).
The video infers on the need for the creation of a productive classroom climate. For instance, the Khan academy involves cognitive factors in facilitating learning among students. The encouragement of productive behaviors through reinforcement alone fails to address some of the cognitive factors which may be negating student performance (Ormond, 2016). Equally, the video lessons posted by Khan reflect the significance of providing students with an ability to control their learning environment. Having the ability to influence the pace of their learning experiences, provides students with the motivation to engage with learning materials. Essentially, student performances can be improved when they are allowed an influence over the specifics of the learning process.
Hardin, E. E., " Longhurst, M. O. (2016). Understanding the Gender Gap: Social Cognitive Changes During an Introductory Stem Course. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 63(2), 233-239.
Khan, S. (2011). Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education. [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTFEUsudhfs"vl=en
Ormond, J. E. (2016). Human Learning (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.