Lack of Accessibility to Education

Do Refugees Have Access to Education in Cairo, Egypt?

By results

1. Generally Understanding Refugees:

Source #7 " Source #3

Define refugee?

Who is a refugee?

Source #3 p2

Why do people become refugees?

- Political

- War " Cavil war

- Ethnic Cleansing

Source #3 p4

Result of conflicts

2. Refugees Infographics " Integration:

Source #3 p2,



Compare them with as percent to non-refugee

Source #7 p.35, Source #3 p2,

Number of refugees worldwide?

Source #7, p1

Which countries that have most refugees?

               Source #6 p1


Source #2

Integration problems in general " in Egypt

3. Education for Refugees Outside Egypt:

Source #3 p5

Law: 1951 Convention

               Source #3 p9

o Countries that didn’t sign the agreement.

What countries that offer education for refugees?


Source #3 p4


How many refugees are getting education?

               Source #3 p4, p6

               Education obstacles

               Source #3 p10

Access to primary school

               Source #3 p11

Access to secondary school

Source #3 p5

Law: 1951 Convention

Source #3 p9

- Access to informal education

                Source #5 p4

                              Education quality

               Source #5 p3, p5 p6

               How many are not getting education


               Source #6 p1 p2 p4

                              Informative barrier

               Source #1

Getting education sorted by age?


4. Education for Refugees in Egypt:

Source #8 – Source #3 p9

               Regulations and law for the refugees in Egypt?

o Four Freedom Act, department of (), Ministry of Foreign affairs

Source #8           

Sudanese refugees’ access to Education?

Source #8

               Crisis of Sudanese refugees accessing education

o Terrorist attack

o 28 Sudanese dead in protest in Cairo

o Illegal Sudanese Refugees

Source #8

o How do illegal Sudanese refugees get education?

               Source #4 p3 p7

               Lack of accessibility to education

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