Kona Ice's Gretna Heritage Festival

Gretna Heritage Festival

Gretna Heritage Festival is an event which will ensure that Koa Ice franchise is successful. The event is ideal from various perspectives. First, the event brings together more than 70,000 individuals who come to attend the festival. These individuals are young adults and families, who often love ice cream. What it has is a broad platform of up to six music stages which features local and national artists. The event will mainly be a better platform to market Kona Ice since there is the presence of large consumers. Besides, it is a three-day event that happens during the weekend and scheduled for October 7th to 9th of 2018.

Benefits for Kona Ice

There are benefits which Kona Ice will enjoy in Gretna festival. Mainly, Kona Ice's logo and name will be featured on all marketing platforms for this event which is their website, maps, and signage. Also, there is an offer on six adult tickets as well as backstage passage to meet featured artists. Such is an opportunity which may expose Kona Ice to more attendees who might visit the shop to buy some ice cream.

Excellent Prices for Vendors

Besides, the event offers excellent prices for vendors in need of parking space. For Kona Ice Mobile booth, it will be charged $1,300 for all the three days which is relatively fair. The parking spaces are also arranged in a way that each cabin is exposed. Therefore, customers will easily identify Kona Ice, and with the four chair and table space, they will be served quickly. With these over 70,000 individuals, massive sales will be made since Kona Ice will be introducing new types of ice creams and tastes.

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