How to Celebrate Eid-ul-Adha


Eid-ul-Adha is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan and celebrates the end of fasting for Muslims. It's a time to reflect on the blessings of the month, celebrate the arrival of new life and give charity to those in need.

Celebrations and Gatherings

In many countries, the day of eid is a time for celebration and gatherings with family and friends. People may cook and eat large meals together, and often decorate their homes with special decorations.

Traditional Foods

Some families will prepare special foods for the occasion, such as couscous bidaoui belghanmi, a dish that is popular in Morocco. It's a mixture of lamb and vegetables cooked in a traditional two-level pot.

Expressing Gratitude

During this period, many people will also give gifts to their loved ones and visit their graves. It is a time to show that they are grateful for the blessings that have been bestowed upon them during Ramadan and to thank their families for the sacrifices they have made for them during this special month of prayer.

Cleansing and Prayers

The celebrations of eid typically start in the morning when Muslims wake up to cleanse their bodies with a ritual called ghusl, then they put on their finest clothes and head for the mosque. It is important that they dress properly on the occasion as it reflects their status as Muslims.

Eid Prayer

At the mosque, Muslims perform a special Eid prayer that is followed by a sermon. Sunni Muslims perform two Rak'ah, or prayer rituals, while Shia Muslims usually do a single Rak'ah. After the prayers, the Imam may read Surahs of the Quran or other chapters. The congregation will then perform Ruku and Sujud, which is a common practice during the Eid prayer that involves kneeling down and bowing down to the ground.

Sweet Treats

In addition, people may also eat sweet treats. Gulab jamun is a firm favourite and homemade biscuits like nankhatai are also a good choice. Other desserts include kheer, which is sweet rice pudding, and firni, a kind of fruit pie that's usually made with fresh cream. All of these dishes can be enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea to finish the day off in style.

Children's Activities and Games

For some children, the holiday is a great opportunity to play games and do arts and crafts with their friends. Some children will even decorate cookies to share with their friends and family, which can be a fun way to spend time together and get excited for the holiday.

Charitable Acts

On a more serious note, some people will be making a donation to a local food bank on eid day. This is a tradition that teaches empathy and compassion for those in need.

Symbolic Sacrifice

The importance of this practice is that it shows Muslims that they have faith and are willing to take the risk of sacrificing something for God. It is a reminder of the sacrifice that Ibrahim made to Allah when he was tempted by the devil to disobey his Lord and kill his son Isma'il, according to Islamic teachings.

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