How Digital Learning is going to Change Schools and Education

How Digital Learning is going to Change Schools and Education

Digital studying is a new technological advancement in the field of schooling that has since presented each positive and negative outcomes. While there have been various benefits including a various way of delivering content and multiplied research capacity, it has been particularly perturbing that there are related addiction and a shift from the traditional to on line learning settings. The outcome has resulted in a discount in the quality of education and college students tend to abscond classes opting to interact with their digital learning gadgets. It is thus crucial to formulate alternative and solution to the developing challenge that is threatening the quality of education in the long-term as the shift from the traditional learning setting become imminent. The recommended policy of change that is relevant in this case involves all stakeholders including parents and teachers engaging in the monitoring of use to avoid overindulgence while ensuring that the learners use the digital learning media for productive reasons.

The adverse effects of digital education

The area of interest will be on the adverse effects that digital education brings to schools and learning in the traditional setting with reports identifying that the whole system is a waste of resources (Spitzer). The rapid technological advancements that have been witnessed in the past have had varying implications in many sectors of the economy. For the education department and institutions of learning, the implications have had both positive and negative effects (Webs; Quillen). Digital learning has enabled the appreciation of both opportunities and challenges especially regarding the impacts on education quality (Jacob). Notable positives have included providing supplemental material, increased motivation in learning, and facilitation of research (McCoy; Kurzweil; Costley 5).

Among the adverse effects associated with digital learning have been the idea of opting for online rather than traditional learning options and dependence on the gadgets more than other educational resources (Sutton 7; Adhia). Varying amounts of research have since been described to help in averting the implications and ensure that digitalization of education has a positive effect on the learner (Higgins, Xiao, and Maria Katsipataki 7; Argentin et al. 3; Bennett and Lockyer 2).

Overcoming the challenges

To overcome the problem, a critical area of change would be assessment of the critical challenges and the assessment of its effect on perceived evidence (Becta 11-22). To counter the negative effects of digital education on learning, it is recommended that teachers and other stakeholders should advocate for responsible usage of the device, enhance familiarity, and ensure that there is monitoring to limit the potential of overreliance (DeLoatch). Overall, the ability to exercise a community of practice would help manage in ensuring that all stakeholders promote quality use of digital technology to bring positive change to both the individual and schools (Olson et al. 39).

Works Cited

Adhia, Hasmukh. “The Side-Effects of Digital Learning.” Digital Learning (2012): n. pag. Web.

Argentin, Gianluca et al. “The Impact of Digital Literacy on Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Performance Tests.” University of Milan, Bicocca (2014): n. pag. Web.

Becta. “The Impact of Digital Technology.” Becta (2009): n. pag. Web.

Bennett, Sue, and Lori Lockyer. “The Impact of Digital Technologies on Teaching and Learning in K-12 Education.” Faculty of Education: Curriculum Corporation (1999): n. pag. Web.

Costley, Kevin C. “The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning.” Curriculum & Instruction (2014): n. pag. Web.

DeLoatch, Pamela. “The Four Negative Sides of Technology.” Edudemic May 2015. Web.

Higgins, Steven, ZhiMin Xiao, and Maria Katsipataki. “The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning: A Summary for the Education Endowment Foundation.” School of Education, Durham University (2012): n. pag. Web.

Jacob, Brian A. “The Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Learning.” Brookings 5 May 2016. Web.

Kurzweil. “5 Positive Effects Technology Has on Teaching & Learning.” Kurzweil Education. N.p., 2015. Web.

McCoy, William. “Five Positive Effects of Technology on Education.” Hearst Newspapers, LLC (2017): n. pag. Web.

Olson, Jennifer et al. “An Analysis of E-Learning Impacts & Best Practices in Developing Countries.” Michigan state university (2011): n. pag. Web.

Quillen, Ian. “Teachers Report Mixed Impact of Digital Media.” Education Week. N.p., 2012. Web.

Spitzer, Manfred. “Is the Digital Learning Revolution a Waste of Money?” New Scientist 21 Sept. 2015. Web.

Sutton, Brian. “The Effects of Technology in Society and Education.” Education and Human Development 4.1 (2013): n. pag. Web.

Webs, Berry. “What Is Digital Learning?” Seecup. N.p., 2015. Web.

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