Bullying is currently a widely reported issue in many schools globally. However, despite being reported the problem has been neglected and handled poorly in most of the schools with most victims keeping it for themselves due to fear of further victimization (Harris and Petrie 23). The solution to bullying cannot...
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Abstract With concerted efforts being made into preventing and addressing the problem of bullying in schools worldwide, one needs to understand that there is no one-size-that-fits-all answer to the same. Considering the varied and diverse population of elementary, middle, and high schools, there has never really been a simple solution...
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Mindset and Teaching Excellence Mindset plays a great role in shaping the act of teaching. Teaching excellence depends on the mindset of a teacher. There are two types of mindset; the growth and fixed. Sometimes a teacher may find himself with a fixed mindset depending on their goal. If a teacher...
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Human behavior is composed of both emotional and physical components. They may include biological, intellectual, and social engagements. These are usually inclined by culture, emotions, ethics, genetics and attitude.Fieldwork significant MomentsTake, for instance, a fieldwork conducted in an institution of higher education to assess the behavior of students. The outcome...
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Gifted and talented programs have been criticized since the practice became routine in most schools. Criticism leveled against these programs stems from the fact that these programs tend to separate individuals. As a result, there is a lack of diversity in these gifted programs as more privileged children tend to...
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Students become creators of knowledge by active learning approaches rather than just being passive recipients of information. For active learning to students, instructors should explain clear objectives, benefits, and expectations. Positive school culture is the bearer of student's achievement and some of the factors that influence this are the safety...
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Newman, R. S. (2008). Adaptive and nonadaptive help-seeking with peer harassment: An integrative perspective of coping and self-regulation. Educational Psychologist, 43(1), 1-15. Newman, as the prime objective of this article, seek to examine the dilemma that students faces while in school when harassed and the approaches that most apply to counteract...
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A majority of schools have set policies that bar students from smoking tobacco and the learning institutions' managers have presented various arguments concerning their decision. However, some people have castigated the administrators who abhor smoking tobacco within the schools hence the need to properly examine the issue of making colleges...
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In today’s world, education plays an essential role in shaping and developing unique perspectives for all individuals in society. Over the years, the idea of parents choosing schools for their children has turned out to be stimulating. However, with thorough research and many available school advisors offering help, these processes...
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Basing on The Seven-Lesson School Teacher by John Taylor Gatto, a number of concepts can be learnt on the school curriculum and teacher-learners relationship. The nature of the curriculum affects learning and teaching in schools a great deal (Jónsdóttir 127). As such, a balance must be stricken between the modern...
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The teachers and the students are the primary participants in the education system. However, the two groups of individuals tend to play different roles in line with student success. When reflecting on the teacher's responsibility, there is the need for a transformative teacher and effective teaching techniques. Being an elementary...
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One of the significant policies that encompass many closed campuses in the United States of America is the utilization of school identification cards. Closed schools are systems that do not allow students to leave campus any time of the day from lunch break or going to the hospital without the...
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