Essays on Roman Empire

The Augustus of Primaporta

The Augustus of Prima Porta statueThe Augustus of Prima Porta statue was unveiled for the first time in 1863. It is now on display in the Vatican Museum of History and Sculpture (Holliday, 2015). Viewing the bronze enlightens the viewer on traditional art and politics. It also resembles Doryphoros of...

Words: 1354

Pages: 5

Slavery and Abolition

August Wilson wrote the book Gem of the Ocean, which is about the life of African-Americans in the twentieth century. The job is a holding showiness, with incidents that drive into the spot like confound bits and dialects that are a furious scream from the psyche and heart, illuminating and...

Words: 1952

Pages: 8

Rococo, Romanticism and Neoclassicism

What characteristics distinguish the Rocco, Neoclassicism, and Romanticism from each other? How were the styles reactionary? Use examples to illustrate and clarify. Introduction Rococo is an artistic style and movement that impacts so many points of arts including literature, theatre, painting, sculpture, interior design, music, architecture and decoration. It was designed in...

Words: 477

Pages: 2

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