Titan moon

Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan's moon in 1655. (Tate, 2015). Titan's atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen and methane. Nitrogen accounts for 95% of the total, with methane accounting for 5%. (Tate, 2015). Other elements found on the moon, such as oxygen and carbon, are similar to those found on...

Words: 351

Pages: 2

A Trip to the Moon

George Méliès and the Pursuit of a Bigger Picture George Méliès believed in a bigger picture, so he pursued the ability to enlarge motion pictures from a magical perspective, just as a president would try to convince his constituents to go to the moon. Despite the excitement of traveling to the...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

Seasons and Moon Phases

We learned about and explored different seasons of the earth and moon phases during our visit to the planetarium exhibit. The phases of the Earth are caused by the Earth's axis tilting at an average angle of 23.4 degrees. The tendency causes differences in the amount of solar energy obtained...

Words: 272

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