Payday Loans, Regulatory Efforts, and Unintended Consequences

Introduction Most of the time, unexpected situations necessitate adequate funds in order to cover the associated expenses. Payday loans are short-term loans with high fees and interest rates that might reach 400% per year. They are known as payday loans because the lender expects the borrower to repay the amount on...

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Pages: 3

Yunus and the Grameen Microcredit Model

Economist Dr. Mohammed Yunus and MicrocreditEconomist Dr. Mohammed Yunus is a native of Bangladesh. He established Bangladesh's Grameen Bank. Yunus received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for developing microcredit, which provided small loans to the poor members of society, particularly women, to enable them to start a variety of...

Words: 1006

Pages: 4

About Loans and Grants for Higher Education

The Rising Cost of Higher Education The rising cost of higher education is a topic that is discussed even in political forums. As a result, the issue has elicited a variety of responses from world leaders. Prominent figures, like presidential candidates like Barack Obama, have advocated an expansion in federal funds...

Words: 914

Pages: 4

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