Declining by Degrees: Higher Education at Risk This is an intriguing series that examines what is going on in higher education. It wants to know what happens before enrollment and graduation. It demonstrates so something has gone wrong. The documentary advocates for reform, demonstrating that the nation is in grave danger...
Words: 1774
Pages: 7
Without remembering William Jefferson Clinton, also named William Jefferson Bly III, we can't talk about US presidents. In 1992, he became the 42nd US head of state and served until 2001. Born and raised in Arkansas, he attended prestigious colleges, including Oxford University, Georgetown University, and Yale Law School, among...
Words: 1839
Pages: 7
In his book Into the Woods, Jon Krakauer portrays a man who leaves his family home and heads into the forest. Chris McCandless, the story's lead, prefers solitude after graduating. Clearly, a core premise of this book is that complete self-sufficiency is unlikely in one's life. The assistance and care...
Words: 1108
Pages: 5
The Cease of High School and the Start of a New Chapter The cease of high school marked an end to my childhood life. My mother and father always encouraged me to work hard and acquire the necessary grades to join college. After completing my ultimate exams, many of my nights...
Words: 619
Pages: 3