Essays on Chemistry

The Impact of Salinity and Temperature on Brassica Rapa as a Result of Global Warming

The Effects of Global Warming on Soil Salinity The overall increase in global temperature caused by an increase in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases is known as global warming (Crate and Mark 2). Anthropogenic forcing, or human actions that either restrict the amount of greenhouse gases that are absorbed from...

Words: 931

Pages: 4

An enzyme

A type of protein known as an enzyme quickens biochemical processes in the body. Depending on whether there are too many or not enough enzymes in the body, several diseases in humans can develop. The lipase is one such enzyme. Like all other enzymes, lipase aids in the control of...

Words: 306

Pages: 2

litmus paper

To detect whether a specific solution contains an acid or a base, use a litmus paper (Watkins). If the solution is acidic, a blue piece of litmus paper will turn red when submerged in it, whereas a red piece of litmus paper would stay red. A red litmus paper will...

Words: 653

Pages: 3

the reduction of benzophenone using sodium borohydride

This paper is based on an investigation into the benzophenone reduction process utilizing sodium borohydride. It is divided into rationally presented sections that assist the reader understand how the inquiry flowed. The principle underlying the reduction of the ketone with the mentioned metal hydride is briefly summarized in the introduction...

Words: 2118

Pages: 8

extraction of hops acids from the hops plants

Hops acids were extracted from the plants using a specific process. The hop plant components are absorbed by the solid phase using a C18 column. Following washing, methanol was used to desorb the hop chemicals. The quantity of hop acids present was quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography. HPLC proves to...

Words: 3233

Pages: 12

ester Hydrolysis

In a reflux apparatus, the sodium hydroxide solutions were used to perform the hydrolysis of the ester in an alkaline medium. Following the hydrolysis, the mixture's free alcohol component was eliminated using a distillation device. The chromate ions caused the alcohols to oxidize, forming the corresponding aldehyde groups. Tollens reagents...

Words: 2430

Pages: 9

Desalination by Reverse Osmosis:

Most seas include saline water, which when consumed by people presents various biological difficulties. The method of desalination has proved crucial in lowering the amount of salt in seawater. The purpose of the essay is to assess reverse osmosis as one method for lowering or getting rid of salt from...

Words: 358

Pages: 2

Electrophilic aromatic substitution

The introduction, experimental methods, findings, discussion, and conclusion are the different sections of this study. The purpose of the introduction is to introduce the reader to and familiarize them with the fundamentals of electrophilic substitution. The experimental process outlines the precise actions that were done throughout the experiment to obtain the obtained...

Words: 1676

Pages: 7

Chemical Reaction: Synthesis of m-Aminoacetophenone from m-Nitrocetophenone

Research of synthesis of nitroaromatic compounds entails chemoselectivity because in many cases, there are two or more artificial reagents susceptible to reduction and consequently one of the functional group requires to be preferentially chosen to react. For instance, a solution containing nitro group (R-NO2) and a carbonyl team (RR'C=O). The...

Words: 835

Pages: 4

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