Families in the city

The Neolithic Revolution and Urban Development

Since the Neolithic Revolution, families have begun to face difficulties. This was the moment, as described, when humanity ceased to be nomadic hunters and decided to become sedentary farmers. The explanation behind this statement is that people shrunk in size due to social hierarchies and insufficient nutrition but allowed cities to emerge. While urban development was a perfect idea, it had detrimental effects; large cities, for example, are characterized by population density and political markers. Therefore, people have to get interested in the complex world in order to migrate from the rural area. A good example was seen with the Chinese who has to leave a large population of the same tribe and go to a place where one out of ten are Chinese. This is a big problem for families because if this person had no wife or husband, it would be impossible for them to engage with the current city people they meet every day.

Urbanization and Fertility Rate

At the same time, urbanism improved humans’ life and decreased the fertility rate. Despite the fact that the mortality rate went down, urbanization due to increased nutrition had fewer workers to deal with agriculture forcing families to reduce their birth rates. Urbanization which gave birth to urban planning has brought the vagrancy phenomenon. When the construction of houses was being planned, there was a big gap between the poor and the rich. This was brought with the kind of jobs they were doing. However, urbanization forgot about the people who are not in either category known as the street families. The desire of the city is to make it a powerful nation but they forgot about the families who cannot afford a house. Again, even if subsidized houses were made, it would not solve the problem of homelessness.

Richer Kinship and Division of Labor

Richer Kinship, on the other hand, elevates the urbanization problem through the division of labor. As seen, social sciences have made humanity to concentrate on different tasks to achieve lots of myriad for the necessity of living. The way the tasks were handled had different strata of status as well. A good example was based on the place of movie where if one person wanted to enjoy being entertained, about six more personnel must be there. Kinship, therefore, shows that the division of foster labor cities due to the concentration of population, division of labor between rural to urban and the stratification of political power. As mentioned above, the distribution of labor also comes in two categories: those with good salaries and those without.

Division of Labor and Living Standards

The movie example showed that everybody earns different wages because as classified, there are people who will make snacks, create movies, transport system, and the venue itself. If thought deeply, the division of labor has advantages over families because each family member has different tasks when it comes to employment. The infrastructure of cities as mentioned by kinship shows that despite the fact that families could get jobs, their standards of living will never match. Mostly, the low-income earners tend to live in slams but still play a part in the building of the economy. Despite the fact that slums do not exist in the infrastructures of urban construction, the people who live there are still part of the population. To finalize, as much as the Neolithic Revolution was seen as a destroyer, it was also seen as the biggest creators of cities and employment.

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