Experience of Home

There is only one location where I spend more than half of my daily time, and that is my house. Every creature has somewhere to call home, and that happens to be my house in my case. In essence, nothing matters more than the physical attributes of the location of a home, as these contribute significantly to the experience one has in the house. When in my house, I always find tranquility, peace, joy, and safety, given the enclosed nature and sense of privacy. Besides, I fully express myself in terms of thinking, arrangement, and even the food I like; nobody is around to question what I do, unlike in class or at work. The most significant spaces in my house that grant me the better experience include the garden, the living room, the front porch, and the study room.

3821 East 5th Street is one of the most serene and safest neighborhoods one can find in Los Angeles; it is where my house is located. The road leading to the building is adorned with bright red bougainvillea on both sides of the road; a beautiful sight that can be credited to neighbors who planted the same flower on the road lawns. My house is located about 20 yards from where the street makes a sharp turn. Coming from the small and sometimes overgrown path branching from the main road, the house is situated at the right side of the property, measuring approximately 7500 square feet. There are fenced properties to the East and South of my house, and the only neighbor I have has a beautiful pool overlooking my property to the West, making me feel safe while at home.

The garden that lies adjacent to my house but on the anterior side is a place I always find solace whenever I am dejected. The spatial garden is filled with lilacs and orchids among other flowers that exhibit a touch of professional landscaping; personally developed for the three years I have lived here. Moreover, there are only three sunflowers at the edge of the garden and closest to the kitchen window. The flowers often amaze me through the smiling manner in which they always greet me when doing the dishes. Often, I find myself motivated and calmed by the flowers to the point that I unknowingly come here when enraged. When it rains, there is this fresh petrichor mixed with the sweet smell of the bright white magnolia blooms that hits me as far as the study room on the other side of the house. In spring, the magnolia blossoms usually attract humming bees besides the dark-eyed junco. Their chirps in the morning are some of the sounds I always look forward to in the morning, given their soothing effect.

Essentially, my house is one of the few places I always feel safe. Apart from the slight elevation leading from the clean cemented street to the gate of the property, the rest of the ground where the house sits is flat and surrounded by fenced properties; hence, making me feel safe. In addition, the small wooden fence that is robustly attached to the house as I walk from the front porch always gives me a sense of control and safety. The fence is painted in light green and white, colors that are attractive to the eye, especially after a day in busy Los Angeles.

Nowhere else always provides me with tranquility akin to the one I get inside my house. The main door to the house has the antique white and cyan look, coupled with a quintessence doorknob that always appears to be welcoming me to the house. The mesmerizing smell of fresh lavenders and occasionally the sweet smell from handpicked magnolias in the flower vase always strike me and elicit tranquility hitherto entering the house. Moreover, elegance is part of my house, given the deliberate effort of having exotic furniture masterpieces in the living room. Right from the low-level poplar table laced with a transparent marble vase from Turkey to the wall adorned with medieval art, I always find my mind relaxed when in the space. The woolen mat going around the whole room is a shade of gold and scarlet, always eliciting a massaging effect in my feet and making me feel comfortable.

 It is only in my house that I can adequately express myself. To the right of the spacious living room is a well-lit corridor that leads to my study room. Here, I have a collection of all my favorite literature. The most precious books I have in the grave-like silent yet cozy study room are those of vintage art. The shelves are made of smooth but hard pine wood and painted grey. I have a brown reading table near the wide window that overlooks the serene environment of 3821 East Street. At the top-left of the table, sits a tall lamp that is sculpted with angelic figures holding scrolls. Moreover, two paintings adorn the opposite walls of the study; one of a girl playing in a flower garden in spring and another portraying a mother deer with her twin fawns. The paintings capture my view of life, and their location in my study room forms a crucial part of my studies.

As it is said that home is better than any other region, it resonates with me when I consider my house. Apart from the necessary shelter, it offers me; the house accords me tranquility, joy, and acts as a place to adequately express myself. This is why I am emotionally attached to my house. The beautiful neighborhood scenery, the clean street, the sweet smell of the garden, and the elegantly decorated interior always make me look forward to coming home in the evening. To me, this is not just a house; it has become a home.

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