The various animals on land, creatures in waters, birds in the sky, the vast lands separated by huge water bodies, and the ability of man to control them creates an urge to comprehend how the world came to be. This paper aims to prove the existence of God as the Supreme Being. By applying relevant examples and utilizing the moral argument, the article will provide evidence to prove the existence of God.
Morality as a proof of God’s Existence
If it was true that God does not exist, then, there is no objectivity for the existence of moral duties and values. However, the presence of universal moral obligations and principles prove the presence of the Almighty. Currently, individuals from different backgrounds are expected to learn, maintain and uphold specific ethics such as being truthful, honest, just, incorrupt, generous, faithful, and obedient. Also, they have a duty of care to other people as well as the animals and the environment around them. Similar to the biblical teachings, these values and responsibilities support the notion that God does exist. Moreover, these values and obligations are universal and thus, practiced by individuals of different faiths. As such, moral values and duties are supporting features proving the existence of a supreme being “God.”
Argument against Morality as a Proof of God’s existence
From an atheist point of view, morality in itself cannot be sufficient evidence to prove that God exists. Since individuals strive to live a fulfilling life, people have come up with rules to ensure that everyone can live a good life. In consideration of the perception that stealing is wrong, by not engaging in robbery, an individual is not approving that God is seeing him, he is avoiding the potential consequences. Also, there exist some values which appear to be moral in one society and immoral in others, yet they believe in the same God. For example, the issue of homosexuality raises ethical questions. Some religions embrace the culture, yet others refute. Since the belief is that there is one Supreme Being, then, the morality argument is insufficient evidence. Moreover, people are believed to have an intuition on right and wrong. It is expected that everyone knows that it is wrong to torture young children. Thus, it is not a matter of God’s commandments and expectations, but it is all about protecting children.
Justification of Morality as a Proof of God’s Existence
In most societies, individuals are taught the fundamental lifestyle values based on religious expectations. Whether atheists, Buddhists, Christians, or Muslims, all have the same views regarding morality, thus, supporting the ideology of the existence of God. However, there exist orthodox religions which tend to put up with secular deeds such as homosexuality which is rejected other faiths. However, their basis of accommodating such practices is the belief that God is all-Loving and does not judge his creatures. Therefore, the differences in doctrine is not a rejection of the existence of God, but it reflects the different ideologies about the supreme being. Similarly, since it is everyone’s objective to have a better life, it is only through God’s teaching that vices such as theft, corruption, adultery, and telling of lies can be avoided.
In conclusion, morality can be used as evidence to prove God’s existence. What drives most individual into acting morally is the recognition of a Supreme Being. The teachings of God imply that equality and happiness can only be achieved by practicing ethical values and duties. Thus, by practicing morality, we acknowledge the existence of God.