Rhetorical Essays

It is considered one of the most difficult tasks to handle, yet there is no need to give up when you have our free essay samples that can help you with your paper. Rhetorical writing must use words and certain phrases to either persuade or inform the target audience about an issue that must be brought to attention. Check our paper samples to see how an idea is introduced in the beginning and supported with due evidence. The persuasion strategy must sound confident and clear to your readers regardless of your opinion. Our essay examples serve as the possible starting points, so take your time to choose your nearest topic and explore the rhetorics as you brainstorm your ideas.

The Role of Stakeholder in an Issue

The term stakeholder has been defined differently across the globe. It can be described as an individual who has an interest in the success of a business or an enterprise. In addition, it refers to someone who can impact on or is affected by a company or a given project....

Words: 1348

Pages: 5

Promotion of Contemporary Art in the City of Nantes

The product described here is the free contemporary art advanced by La Machine-  a street theatre firm which has given the city of Nantes’s shipbuilding warehouses and old docks a new look. The arrival of Jean Blaise in the mid-1980s marked the beginning of art and culture promotion.  Blaise, the...

Words: 2016

Pages: 8

Student Ambassador at Langston University

This letter is to express my interest for the position of a Student Ambassador at Langton University. I am currently working at Langston University Bookstore, Langston and expecting to enroll in Langton University in May 2021 to undertake a bachelor’s degree in Science and Public health. I have also worked...

Words: 363

Pages: 2

The Effects of Doping in Sports

Athletes engage in doping by using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to improve their performances in sporting events. Doping first originated from the term ‘dop’ which is a stimulant drink that was used in the tribal ceremonies in South Africa. It is described in the dictionary as a narcotic substance which aids...

Words: 2664

Pages: 10

Role of Management in Systems Development Lifecycle

Any organization is driven by a certain set of rules, guidelines, tools, and software or hardware to realize its business objective and meet the company goals. The system, in general, refers to the hardware or the software that is used, individually, or collectively, by a company in order to sustain...

Words: 645

Pages: 3

Analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) refers to a complete package of software that helps organization manage day-to-day businesses, resource planning, forecasting and budgeting. It automates and integrates different activities of a business process to ensure seamless operation across the organization (Monk and Wagner). However, ERP implementation failure rate is as high...

Words: 1134

Pages: 5

Sustainable Housing and Building

The impact of global warming has been felt, and everyone is worried about the future of the world. In the building and construction industry, there have been concerns on Sustainable housing and building to comply with the need to protect the environment and thus minimize the effect of climate change...

Words: 1531

Pages: 6

Technological Innovations: A Blessing or Curse?

Technological Innovations and Their Impact on US Society Technological innovations are proving to be a fundamental part of our everyday life. The massive additions to the innovations continue to contribute extensively to the running of errands and corporations in the modern society. The mobile-phone technology is proving to be a mixed...

Words: 1148

Pages: 5

Lin Miranda's 'Room where it happens'

Poems and songs have been used for decades to pass across specific and literary messages to the societal events. Some of the poems and their poets have touched on various topics that take place in daily lives of the people within the community and the poem “The Room Where It...

Words: 956

Pages: 4

The Trip to LAX with My Friends

The Trip to LAX The trip to LAX with my friends is how our memorable experience started. On a significant day, we took a bus, twenty-five of us, and left San Diego for Lax. We were all excited and full of expectations about our destination and the trip in general. We...

Words: 1122

Pages: 5

Kindred by Octavia Butler

The novel “Kindred” by Octavia Butler talks about the tale of a black woman repeatedly being transported from her 1970s apartments to Maryland. The novel explores various issues associated with violence and loss of humanity that emerged due to slavery in the United States and its consequences on the modern...

Words: 1899

Pages: 7

The Importance of Reporting Medical Errors

Medical Errors and Reporting According to Chamberlain et al., approximately 98000 patients die in the US every year because of medical errors with more than one million errors occurring yearly (282). Medical practitioners are required to ethically and legally report medical errors when they happen, but many mistakes still go unreported. While...

Words: 539

Pages: 2

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