Enhancing Security of Group Members

The group members' responses

The group members' responses revolved around the promotion of security and safety of the members as well as the orientation of the group, finding common ground, and obtaining feedback through pre and post surveys. Majority of the members were of the view that enhancing security of group member is fundamental in ensuring maximum participation of all members and growth of the group. The similarities in thinking included the need for group members to disclose to agencies in case they feel any member is a danger to self or others. Also, most members portrayed similar thinking on the need to begin by orienting the members on the purpose of the group, allowing them to share their experiences in the community and feeling regarding the security issue at hand, and solutions to the problem. One of the members suggested that each member should be allowed to introduce themselves and to state their purpose of being in the group. The was a similar some members pointed out that the group members should begin by addressing their diversity by finding common ground in order to work together in addressing their fears. Most members were of similar opinion that there is need for obtaining feedback from participants and the supervisor through pre and post survey.

Differing opinions

Also, there were differing opinions regarding people working together where one of the members shared his thought that the social worker should perform the role of orienting the group, explaining the roles of the group, his role in the group, and facilitate conversation as well as offer guidance on intervention planning. Another differing thinking was that the ability to resolve the issue of safety in the community is dependent on the participants' attitude, thinking, and self-esteem; and also business leaders, organization, and legislative officials have a role to play on the same.

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