Emotional Attachment to Central Park

Central Park: A Historic Landmark in New York City

Central Park is a historic landmark in New York City which provides the opportunity to bond with nature and beautiful scenery. It is a place where a person or group of people can visit and have a wonderful experience while moving around. There are vast spaces with beautiful grass, well-pruned vegetation, and flowers where people can sit and relax. There is a reservoir which harbors a different variety of marine creatures. Besides, the lake and the pond provide additional water sources for various activities carried out in the park such as cleaning. The different roads and pavements passing across different sections of the park provide enable easy accessibility.

My Emotional Connection to Central Park

I feel emotionally attached to the Central Park due to the connection that has developed over time. I have visited the park many times, either when I am alone or with my parents. Besides, I have been in the park countless times while in the company of my youth friends. Also, I went for a picnic at the Central Park in the company of college mates. When I think of Central Park, I remember the good memories I made while in college. The Park reminds me of the prayer rallies we conducted as a team of college friends. Also, Central Park reminds me the retreats we conducted during high school and college years. Moreover, I feel spiritually attached when I remember the powerful prayers and meditation retreat we conducted at the Central Park. Also, the Park prompts a feeling of tranquility in me. The calmness of the place gives me calmness of the mind and even body. Further, I feel psychologically attached to the Central Park as I have carried meaningful meditation several occasions. Through medication, I was able to overcome the emotional and psychological stress that had engulfed me during my college years. Therefore, I can assert that I am emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually linked to Central Park.

Impact on My Life and Achievements

Central Park is important to me since I have made tremendous changes in my life owing to the resolutions I made while at the place. During meditation and retreats at the Central Park, I have made wonderful choices in my life which have turned out to be profitable. After my first year, I went for a retreat at the Central Park with the aim of coming up with resolutions on how to improve my academic life. I made the resolution to take classroom assignments and study time with the seriousness they deserve. When we resumed studies, I followed the resolutions I made while at the Central Park so as to improve my academic performance. My scores in various subjects improve significantly and I was able to get an award for the most improved student of the year. As an appreciation for turning around and improving my academic scores by a great margin, I received a trophy. I have kept the trophy in my closet and every time I look at it I remember the fruitful retreat I had at Central Park. Additionally, I improved my behavior greatly after my parents took me for a picnic at the Central Park during my final year in high school. During the picnic, my parents took the chance of offering pieces of advice on how I should behave while at school. My parents insisted that I had to develop both lifetime and academic goals that I should strive to achieve. After the picnic at the Central Park, I developed goals that acted as guidelines in my life as a high school student and later in college. Central Park reminds me of the friends I made during the various activities I attended. Those friends I met at the Park have turned out to be of great assistance during difficult moments. Therefore, Central Park evokes good memories of the achievements I have made in my life. The Park also reminds me of the different times when my life turned around after making pertinent resolutions concerning my life.

The Positive Influence of Central Park

Central Park has affected my life in a positive manner since I have been able to create good memories of which I am proud. Firstly, I made resolutions which resulted in improved academic performance during my different visits at the Central Park. I have impacted the lives of others through spending time together. I made friends from whom I have learned a lot on various aspects of life. The good memories at the Central Park make me feel a sense of achievement since I have rectified different mistakes in my life after a retreat at the place. The Park brings me close to nature and natural beauty. Through the visits at the Central Park, I have developed the love for nature. I have nurtured the quest to improve nature through preservation of the environment. Central Park has influenced me to encourage many people to embrace the aspect preserving nature and natural habitat for wild animals. I have developed the passion for the preservation of water bodies, different types of birds, and trees. Central Park has influenced my social and academic spheres of life through the various visits.

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