Effects of Short-term Employment Contract on an Organization: A Case of Kenya Forest Service

Annotated Bibliography on Unethical Treatment of Contract Employees

Wandera, H. T. (2011). The Effects Of Short-Term Employment Contract On An Organization: A Case Of Kenya Forest Service. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(21), 184-204.

The study examined the effects of short-term employment on organizations. The findings of the study were meant to bring awareness to the challenges faced by entities that hired staff with short-term jobs. The recommendations and conclusions help Human Resource Managers to lay out schemes for overcoming the associated challenges. This article is relevant to this study because it highlights some of the main problems faced by contract employees. Although the article does not explain the effects of hiring contract employees on the organization, it is an excellent article to consider in this study.

Miller, S. A. (2018). Why “Contract to Hire” IT Positions Don’t Make Sense for Anyone. Storage Craft Technology Corporation, 1.

According to this article, most Information Technology employees often come across positions of the contract to hire. It further goes on to explain why the process of understanding consultants or contract employees is more difficult when compared to the full-time employees. This article also describes the type of lives contract employees live, how they earn, and the advantages associated with their practice. The author states that contracting is often harder to sustain and exhausting, and that obtaining contract employees through Contract to Hire postings is tricky because they are trained and skilled at finding a better position, and are highly volatile. This article is essential for this study because it highlights some of the reasons why hiring employees on contract fail to make sense.

Balogun, J. (2014). Here's the Deal With Contract to Hire Positions. Career Dreaming, 1.

According to this article by James Balogun; contract employers can end up working in organizations as permanent workers, extend their contractors or get fired. This article states that contract to hire can hurt employees because they are the ones taking risks, not the contract employee. The weakness of this article is that it fails to highlight the dangers and difficulties contract employees face. The gap of this article is that it fails to provide criteria that people can use to determine whether to hire or fire these workers or extend contracts. However, it is critical in highlighting an essential negative aspect of working contracts and the risk associated with the contract to hire positions.

Sahadi, J. (2015). When an independent contractor is an employee. CNN Money, 1.

            According to Jeanne Sahadi, states that contract employees are cheaper to hire. The employers have no duty or obligation to provide them with benefits such as health insurance, give them days off and still pay them, and providing them with overtime payments. This article also explains how contractors are free to work anywhere and how they want and can even own businesses. The report concludes by stating that companies that misclassify workers as contract employees should pay back wages, legal fees, damages, and penalties. This article is relevant to this study because it talks about some of the unethical treatment of contract employees.

Party, S. L. (n.d.). The Plight of America’s Temporary Workers. The People, HTGT98-HTGT99.

According to capitalists, contract employees are financially insecure whether they perform blue collar or white collar jobs because of their work for money and take any responsibilities. This essay assesses how agencies abuse contract employees by keeping almost half of the total money paid by the contracting companies for different services. It also states how capitalists benefit by utilizing contract employees. This article is also significant in this study because it gives a reason why these types of workers cannot fight for their rights, strike and how labor unions do not assist them. While the article ignores the fact that some contract employees may be highly skilled and their services may often be on demand, it is essential in this study because it explains how capitalists abuse contract workers and some of the problems they face.

Thesis Statement

Heads of companies and organizations should not abuse or exploit contract employees because it is unethical and such acts do not conform to the established standards of conduct by organizations and companies.


Balogun, J. (2014). Here's the Deal With Contract to Hire Positions. Career Dreaming, 1.

Miller, S. A. (2018). Why “Contract to Hire” IT Positions Don’t Make Sense for Anyone. Storage Craft Technology Corporation, 1.

Party, S. L. (n.d.). The Plight of America’s Temporary Workers. The People, HTGT98-HTGT99.

Sahadi, J. (2015). When an independent contractor is an employee. CNN Money, 1.

Wandera, H. T. (2011). The Effects Of Short-Term Employment Contract On An Organization: A Case Of Kenya Forest Service. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(21), 184-204.

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