Effects of Drinking Cold Water

Benefits of Drinking Water

Through research, it has been noted that more than 60 percent of the human body is made up of water, this makes it necessary to keep the body hydrated. Drinking enough water ensures that that food is properly digested, nutrients, antibodies, hormones and the cells that are used to fight diseases are efficiently carried out through the body. Water also plays other vital roles in the body which include; lubricating the body joints, removing toxins from the body and removing waste products from the body. Apart from these functions, water also benefits the body in many different ways which include; protecting the skin and working with foods that contain fiber to prevent an occurrence of constipation. The amount of water that individual drinks and its temperature are some of the critical factors that one needs to consider when drinking water so that he or she can enjoy all the health benefits of being hydrated.

Adverse Effects of Drinking Cold Water

Drinking of cold water feels good especially during the summer when the temperatures are high; cold water cools down the temperature of the body (Rice n.p.). However, cold water does more harm to the body as compared to its benefits. Drinking of cold water is not healthy since it adversely affects the normal functioning of the body. Cold water makes the body to regulate itself; it makes the blood vessels to shrink, it leads to indigestion and hinders the performance of the immune system.

Shrinking of Blood Vessels

Drinking cold water causes the blood vessels to shrink. As a result, the vagus nerve is affected slowing down the rate of the heartbeat. The temperature of the body also drops when there is sudden ingestion of cold water, this changes the functionality of the body organs as they strive to reach the equilibrium temperatures once again. The drinking of cold water also affects the digestion process. Cold water causes stomach upsets, nausea, gurgling and in some cases abdominal pain. This happens because temperatures that are cold are said to be anti-inflammatory. This makes the blood vessels to retract, and the stomach contracts. The contraction of the stomach makes it too tight for efficient processing and digestion of food. Cold water irritates the throat; this is because of the bodily responses which result from the sudden ingestion of the cold drink (Popkin, Barry " D'anci 440). Once an individual takes cold water, the body produces mucus which will act as a natural humidifier to provide warmth for the body. When cold water is ingested, the bodily responses is not necessary; extra mucus is produced which accumulates in the sore making one have a sore throat.

Impact on Body Functions and Rehydration Process

As mentioned, drinking of cold water slows down the functions and another process of the body. Similarly, the process of rehydration in the body is affected by sudden ingestion of cold water. Before the process of hydration happens, the body temperatures need to get to an equilibrium level before the process of hydration takes place. However, taking of cold water can be beneficial to the body. Especially when the cold water, is considered by long-distance athletes, the response mechanism for maintaining the water level in the body of the athlete are delayed. Cold water also facilitates the process of cooling down the body when the environmental or body temperatures are high. For instance, during the summer, most people prefer drinking cold water so that they can cool down their body temperatures.


In conclusion, it can be noted that the adverse health effects that are caused by drinking of cold water cause more harm as compared to the benefits that one gains. Water is an essential commodity that can be used to make the body grow efficiently. People need to avoid the uptake of cold water to avoid the health complications that may be caused by the cold water. Drinking of cold water causes blood vessels to shrink, it leads to problems of digestion and affects the normal functioning of the body and its organs. Therefore, it is essential to drink water that is warmer, or that is at the room temperature.

Works Cited

Popkin, Barry M., Kristen E. D'anci, and Irwin H. Rosenberg. "Water, hydration, and health." Nutrition reviews 68.8 (2010): 439-458.

 Rice, Rip G., ed. Safe drinking water: the impact of chemicals on a limited resource. CRC Press, 2017.

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