Effective classroom management is the routine application of various teaching techniques and skills in a manner that creates and promotes positive interactions, appropriate behaviour and a positive learning environment. Whereas students play a significant role in promoting an effective classroom, teachers are tasked with implementing effective strategies that characterize the practice and mindset for better management of a classroom (Stabile, 2017).
First, there are two kinds of teachers in a classroom. The with-it and the non-with-it teacher. Whereas with-it teachers are keen and proactive in identifying and mitigating inappropriate actions and environments in the classroom, non-with-it teachers are oblivious of such occurrences and are therefore ineffective in curbing bad behaviour or rectifying negative environments in the classroom (Stabile, 2017). Such characteristics span both online and on-ground classrooms where classroom management is important to the improvement of study outcomes.
Bloom's taxonomy is a model for developing effective teaching practices that incorporate strategies in developing the required objectives, abilities and skills through the affective, cognitive and sensory contexts (Armstrong, 2018). This model is crucial in education due to its potential to promote better learning through effective transfer of skills and knowledge as a result of differentiation of learning requirements and objectives ("Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy – CELT", 2018). Therefore, I will utilize this model in improving my teaching strategies during my future profession to ensure progressive objectivity and better delivery of skills and knowledge.
In conclusion, the success of learning is highly dependent on classroom management and strategic improvements in teaching practice. It is therefore important that teachers continually improve their profession for success in impacting knowledge and useful skills to learners.
Armstrong, P. (2018). Bloom’s Taxonomy. Retrieved from https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub- pages/blooms-taxonomy/
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy – CELT. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.celt.iastate.edu/teaching/effective-teaching-practices/revised-blooms-taxonomy
Stabile, C. (2017). Discovering the great teacher in you: A guide to mindset and practice. Port Saint Lucie, FL: Woodbridge Learning Press.