e commerce and web development

A website that is available on tablets and mobile phones is critical for performance, as portable web surfing is displacing personal computers. In order to find a place on the global platform, a new e-commerce company must do something. In order to improve online sales, a user-friendly website is needed, with some specific functionalities that can draw and retain users.
The size and measurements of product photographs are critical for avoiding purchasing errors. Showing all sizes, colors, models with a 360-degree view-rotating , professional photographs and videos , practical and non-branded language, attractive design make the items more appealing to visitors since there is no holding, touching and seeing the products to help the visitor understand the weight, feel and use of the product (Chen et al. 2015).

Social Media Links to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are also key in building online customer base. Since almost 20% of online purchases are accomplished after surfing though social media, social media accounts offer excellent opportunities for self-promotion (Wang et al. 2016).This is therefore a good channel to keep customers updated with news, or special deals meant to attract it. Phone numbers, 24/7 hotlines and online lives chats can also be included in the site where buyers can interact with online support team and with themselves. They can also seek help and clarifications via these since most online customers prefer to have someone to talk with.

A clear and remarkable logo and trade mark are critical in building customer trust. A mascot, well-known logo, video or a beautiful photo or image and the ‘Buy’ button will work with such designs. Convenient menus, clear design, detailed product description and easy user review are equally important for boosting online reputation. Latest news, most popular products, upcoming events and sales periods should be included that make it easy for buyers to find exclusive deals and prices. Shopping Cart, Login Box and Search Box, private accounts should be included in the web design.

Functionalities such as Content Management Features or CMS, Enterprise management features, online marketing communication features and E-commerce features are necessary for an upcoming e-business website. The CMS with features including WYSIWYG Editor, Search Engine or Search page, Site Map, Multi- Language tool, Section Templates, Statistics and Logs, User permission, Print Page feature, Recommend page feature, Comments and Password Protected Sections helps easy updating, managing and changing site content for customer satisfaction.

Enterprise management features including Client Database, Members Directory, CRM Auto-Reminders –a tool that allows the setting up and sending automated and pre-dated emails thereby controlling event reminders and subscription updates and more, events calendar ,events management system, discussion groups, survey tools and Continuing Development Tool (CDP) –a tool that lets one manage the professional career development of members and staff allow one to manage such areas of their online business as customer relationship and events. Online marketing communication features enable one to perform communications and advertising via their website, such as online newsletters, banner Ads and email forms. E-Commerce Features that help in managing and performing E-commerce through their website include shopping cart software and online sales such as products database and E-Commerce order form.

The best hardware needed for a start-up would be cloud servers (Chen 2015). It can optimize performance at a relatively lower cost as compared to purchasing and managing a fully dedicated system as a business benefits from the economies of scale of sharing the hardware with other customers. In case of cloud servers, a business only pays for the space used and is highly flexible as the business can scale up or cut down resources depending on demand, thereby saving on unused infrastructure when demand falls (Andersen et al., 2013). A dedicated server is physical; purchased or rented entirely for business needs. This therefore consumes space that can be used for other purposes.

The most devastating security threat to e-commerce is hacking and Denial of service (DOS). Someone or a hacking group may hack the website and or steal credit card details and other sensitive data from the website and this can amount to a great loss and bring the online business to a standstill (Wang et al., 2016). Some of the measures to take to avoid these include choosing a secure E-commerce platform, using secure connection for online checkout and making sure the business is PCI compliant and making sure you are PCI compliant, using strong SSL (Secure Socket Layer) authentication for data and Web protection, not storing sensitive data like credit card numbers, expiration dates CVV2 (card Verification Value) codes, employing an address and card verification system, requiring strong passwords which can be achieved by requiring a minimum number of characters and the use of symbols and numbers, setting up an alert system for suspicious activity on the website such as an alert notice for multiple transactions coming through one IP address, layering the security, providing online security training to staff, using tracking numbers for all orders, monitoring the site and the host regularly, performing PCI scans regularly, making sure you have a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection and mitigation service and making sure you and your website host have back-up and disaster recovery plan (Luo & Chea 2017).

In order to protect and reassure customers, it’s important to know how to protect the e-business and sensitive client data. Beautiful themes, lower prices, free shipping and offers fortified with great customer-staff interaction can help place an e-business onto a new platform since people like to establish interactions before making online purchases.


Andersen, K.V., Elliot, S., Swatman, P.M., Trauth, E.M. and Bjørn-Andersen, N. eds., 2013.Seeking success in e-business: A multidisciplinary approach (Vol. 123). Springer.

Chen, J.V., Yen, D.C., Pornpriphet, W. and Widjaja, A.E., 2015. E-commerce web site loyalty:A cross cultural comparison. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(6), pp.1283-1299.

Luo, M.M. and Chea, S., 2017. The Effect of Social Rewards and Perceived Effectiveness of eCommerce Institutional Mechanisms on Intention to Group Buying. In Advances inHuman Factors, Business Management, Training and Education (pp. 833-840). SpringerInternational Publishing.

Wang, W.T., Wang, Y.S. and Liu, E.R., 2016. The stickiness intention of group-buying websites:The integration of the commitment–trust theory and e-commerce success model.Information & Management, 53(5), pp.625-642.

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