Donald Trump and His Role as a Role Model for Young Men

Donald Trump, being the American president, has great influence over the lives of many young people. This is because young people learn from others by imitation, especially when the regard a person as a role model. During his campaign, Donald trump depicted some particular characters of masculinity such as being too proud to ask for forgiveness from those who considered to have been insulted or hurt by him in some way (Miller 2016). As such, it is easy for young men to consider that character as being masculine and therefore may not ask for forgiveness if they wrong others, especially women. As students, the young men may not listen to their female teachers of their female counterparts. Studies show that boys have high possibilities of causing trouble than girls. They have a tendency of dropping out of school because of the problems they cause, leading to expulsion. Every time they want to come up with new ways of living, they want independence which may not be given in schools

The Trump’s slogan of ‘boys will be boys’ creates an atmosphere where the boys engage in antisocial behavior such as bullying, boasting and devaluing feminine. This is because it creates a sense of belonging to them such that they disrespect girls. As such, parents are having a hard time to bring up boys in the right morals (Miller 2016). To some extent, the boys devalue the position of parents, teachers or guardians in trying to follow celebrities like trump who mislead them.

Studies show that boys are becoming more sensitive when it comes to social influences and role models.  The role models or celebrities have high influence in controlling the boys’ behaviors. The picture created by President Trump is that of pure masculinity which attracts these young people (Miller 2016). They would want to be firm and bold like he is, which is a depiction of masculinity. The young men may not understand that people don’t live in an absolute world where they would exercise their won powers or what they consider rights over other people. The boys may think that being right or masculine is synonymous with not being able to ask for forgiveness. Like Henry Ford once said, ‘if you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right’.

Donald trump uses a phrase from his father “you’re a king. You’re a killer” which may influence the boys positively in becoming the men they would want to be. The picture and figure created by the president may influence the positively in taking up responsible characters. Boys will grow up knowing that a real man is one who is responsible, honors, has integrity and respects everyone’s opinion. The real man may never show his feelings, weaknesses, looks for and creates opportunities and riches in all means, and will be firm in his decisions no matter what.

Through Trump boys have also learned to improve their skills like being aggressive, competitive and being that person who can endure hard moments without showing his feelings. They have learned how to go for what they consider as achievements in their lives through endurance. Juliet A. Williams says if boys are given cultural and societal support, they will come up with problem solving techniques and lead the way to a prosperous society (Miller 2016).

Work Cited

Miller, Claire Cain. “What Our Sons Are Learning From Donald Trump.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Oct. 2016,

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