Distribution of Cows in a Farm

There is a farm of dairy cows in the highlands where the farmer marks all the cows by their weight after every six months to determine how healthy they are and if the cow feeds are good for their bodies. The farm is on a hundred acre piece of land and has nine hundred cows kept in two sections of cows weighing between seven hundred and 900 kilograms and between five hundred and six hundred kilograms. There is a wolf that attacks the cows from time to time and this really annoys the farmer. Each time the wolf attacks, it would either kill a cow in either the section weighing between 500 and 600 kilograms or the section of cows weighing between 700 and 900 kilograms. This describes that the sections are evenly distributed in the farm..

                            The cows also include bulls and female cows and there are currently six hundred female cows and three hundred male cows. Each time the wolf attacks it would obviously attack either one of the six hundred female cows or the three hundred male cows and that will be the probability that either the male or female cow is killed each time the wolf attacks


                            The farmer then mixes the cows together in the farm from their sections and randomly picks ten cows from the lot to try find out the average weight of the same. He randomly does this ten times and takes the average from each lot of ten cows he picks. After this, the averages are drawn on a graph to describe the sample distribution of the same.

                            The farmer also randomly picks ten cows from the same lot of cows and records the average of male cows and female cows in each sample. He does this repeatedly ten times. After this, the ten averages are drawn on a graph to determine the sample distribution of the same.

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