Burglary definition

Burglary and the Importance of Gathering Proof

Burglary is a crime that includes breaking and entering someone else's property without permission with the intent to commit other crimes. Other names for it include incursion, break-in, and home-breaking. One of the most typical crimes to which police react while on patrol is this one. Since there are typically no witnesses to the crime, gathering proof becomes even more important. There are some aspects of burglary cases that make it easy to recognize the criminals who committed the crimes. (Clemens, 2013).

The Role of the Police and Victims in the Investigation Process

Clemens (2013) claims that getting close to and securing the site are crucial steps in solving these crimes. The police should respond to the crime as if they just occurred, so that they can identify any suspicious or suspects who might be around the scene. The victims and witnesses should avoid tampering with anything and try as much as possible to keep the items in an undisturbed position. Victims form an essential part of the investigation, where they should identify the items that have been disturbed and point out their position.

The Importance of Scientific Evidences in Burglary Cases

Strong cases are formed by the existence of scientific evidences such as DNA, foot impressions and fingerprints which can help in identifying the suspects. According to The Crown Prosecution Service (2005), visual identifications such as eye witness may help in identifying the suspect. However, witness reports have in some cases being associated with frame-ups and lies, which lead to miscarriaged justices. In other cases, the persons identified to have been around the crime scene admits their presence at the crime scene, but denies to have engaged in any criminal activities. In other cases, the eye witness may be unable to identify the person they saw at the crime scene in case a parade is conducted.

The Most Effective Evidences: DNA, Fingerprints, and Foot Impressions

Therefore, the most effective evidences that can help form a strong case are those containing evidences which lead to strong identification of the perpetrator such as the DNA, fingerprints and foot impression which may be found at the crime scene.


Clemens, D. (2013, January 31). Crime and Clues. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from The Art and Science of Investigation: http://crimeandclues.com/2013/01/26/burglary-investigations/

The Crown Prosecution Service. (2005, December 31). Identification of Suspects. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from The Crown Prosecution Service: http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/h_to_k/identification_of_suspects/

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