Biological-Architectural Design

The buildings that represent the shift towards organic architecture selected for this review are:

The International Euro Science Institute Building

 Design Curial (2015).

Kunsthaus Graz located in Graz, Austria designed by Sir Peter Cook and Colin Fournier and completed in 2003.

Institute for Nanobiomedical Technology and Membrane Biology building in Chengdu, China

            These buildings show the practicality of designing buildings to emulate the biological world and they serve not only aesthetic measures but present the ideals, values and focus of the organizations in them while respecting the changing environmental conditions.      The design of The Gherkin for example seeks to enhance energy efficiency and is estimated to utilize 50% less energy compared to similar-sized towers. The Kunsthaus Graz’s gleaming roof made of solar panels serves to absorb power allowing for conservation while creating a link between history and modern age from the art, photography, design, media, and film in the museum. The focus of the designs should be on utilizing the structures features and designs and embedding changing conditions in architecture while preserving the focus of the organization or use to provide synergy on use, design, history and aesthetics.  

            My ideas for biological-architectural design include the development of buildings with sensors for different conditions to reflect the skin changes in humans and make adjustments as required to allow for different lighting and other states. Incorporating architectural designs sensors that ensure a building can change the colour and thickness to suit light requirements by allowing light during the day and preventing cold during the night. Darkening of glass during the night and thickening to suit weather conditions. The development of these conditions requires enormous scientific undertaking and studies but can be achieved.


Design Curial. (March 23, 2015). Organic Architecture. Retrieved on March 21, 2018 from

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