Behaviorist Theory in the Workplace

People in the workplace often avoid stimuli that are anxiety-provoking. To explain this form of behavior, behaviorist and humanists concepts can be used. Escaping from the stimuli makes one remove the unpleasant emotions (Omrod, 2016). The avoidance, therefore, becomes a reward that increases or reinforces the behavior avoidance. Some employees have been avoiding social events that in turn remove the unwanted symptoms of anxiety thus reinforcing the avoidance behavior. The technique has become their best method of coping with similar social events in the future. Even when the company arranges an end of year party, these individuals choose to avoid panic attacks by leaving the event, hence, the anxiety subsides. Avoidance and escape, in this case, are negative reinforcers.

    The form of employees behavior can best be explained using the humanist theories, more particularly, the hierarchy or order of needs. The fundamentals of the two-factor theory have proven that motivation is promoted through the right employees’ attitudes and how well they connect with the industrial mental health. Workers are rarely happy when their lower needs are achieved such as good working conditions and minimum salaries. Instead, they seek higher level needs like esteem, which comes with recognition, achievement, advancement, and responsibility (Kaplan " Patrick, 2016). It is essential for administrators to have a profound understanding of the two-factor theory that explains low levels of productivity and employees participation in critical decision-making matters. Besides, it will be possible to handle working conditions complaints and the poor employee-employer relationship.  Conclusively, behaviorist explain how a form of behavior is reinforced and maintained, but humanists expound further on the causes and how long-term solutions can be achieved to continue motivating the workers to achieve optimum production.


Kaplan, A., " Patrick, H. (2016). Learning environments and motivation. Handbook of            motivation at school, 2, 254-274.

Omrod , J,E (2016). Human learning (7th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice           Hall

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