Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

The Late Period in Beethoven's Career

The late period in Beethoven’s career was primarily marked with romantic music. During this phase, most of the compositions were based on real-life experiences by the composers. In this era, Beethoven mainly made several music explorations that had a significant focus on individual feelings. This acted as a source of motivation to the artists who later made compositions that were an indication of affection for their lovers. The primary influence was the ninth symphony composed by Beethoven in which the composers used it as a point of reference in their compositions. Additionally, the symphony had a significant influence on the song and piano music that was composed by artists.

Romance in Hector's Composition

Romance reflects in Hector's composition where the artist was in a passionate love affair with Harriet who was an Irish Actress. The author provides a vivid description of the experience of first lovers. Hector displays the feeling of finding the perfect lover through melodic imaginations provided in the text. These feelings later accelerate in the movements used during the presentation where Berlioz appears persistently in the moves to display affection. The symphony presents excellent romance all through the performance.

The Influence of Friendship on Felix's Composition

Another indication of romance through the late era is where Felix had a friendship with Goethe. Through this friendship, Felix had the motivation to make some trips that acted as an inspiration to his compositions. He was able to compose the Italian Symphony. The expressions in the symphony presented feelings that the artist wished to pass to the audience and formed significant expression of romance with basis on the sites he had visited during his trips across Europe.

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