In the article above, Nicolette Mann argues that prejudices leveled on persons with tattoos at the workplace is stereotypical and infringes on people's freedom of expression
The author presents that the society has acknowledged and allowed stereotyping against persons with tattoos in the work environment. Mann suggests that in a country where people enjoy the freedom to express themselves in various ways, tattoos should also be taken as one of the methods of personal expression. The writer states that despite the lift of the tattoo prejudice experienced in the last decade, many employers still use it to deny job applicants with tattoos the opportunity to work in their organizations.
Moreover, the author explains that there are several inspirations behind having tattoos including the need to express oneself artistically or for sentimental values.
Mann insists that "The attitude of the tattoo should reflect on the attitude of the person" (1) in the same way clothing's can reflect on who a person is. According to the writer, the tattoo's theme is what tells about the person ". . . Not the fact that it exists" (1). The author concludes that there is hope for America in ending prejudices towards persons with tattoos and time is coming when people with tattoos will be respected and they will be free to express themselves in any environment. This article offers significant points for an essay arguing for the acceptance of tattoos in the workplace since it points out the similarities between expression through clothing and other adornments to tattoos. Apart from that, the article is useful to the essay in the way it relates freedom of expression that Americans value to the prejudices against persons with tattoos in the workplace.