Archaeology for understanding the past

Archaeology provides a fundamental foundation for understanding the past. The artifacts give historical information that is essential for investigation. Evaluating circumstances allows for comparisons between the past and the present. The report will be useful in the future. Archaeology has the ability to improve a country's economic standing. Museums can raise funds to boost the national economy. They contain elements necessary for the study of history. Archeological studies typically try to provide solutions to societal concerns.

Further, the archeological research helps in identifying the reasons for the existence of the challenges and why they occur and the factors that cause them. A solution is sought to change the circumstance. Training more archaeologists will increase the research capacity. High level of training will speed up the process of collection of artefacts. These will provide a safe ground for preservation. Additionally, it will raise awareness in the communities to protect the cultural heritage. The standards of living in the surroundings will improve. More money is channeled to protect the artefacts.

Culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, values, attitudes, norms and expectations of behaviour. In other words, history and culture are related. Preservation of history preserves the culture (Mathieu and James R. 12). Learning about historical roots provides a basis of embracing the changes and in actual fact allows us to appreciate the past.

Mud trays in ancient Egypt

The research is in Egypt along the banks of River Nile. In the study, the researcher is looking at the mud plates. It was carried out in January 2010. In preparation of the mud trays, the first procedure is to collect mud from the banks of the river. The mad is checked for similarity. It has to be similar in colour, and there has to be consistency in odour. The tools for use in preparation of the trays are a piece of wood and sharp stone. The time taken is 15 to 20 minutes to prepare one plate. If the number of plates required is high, then many people develop them. The preparation of the tray is from unbaked mud that is on the river banks. Mineral deposits play a significant role in the procedure. Constant research has been done in the banks. In 1907 to 1908 the discovery of white jars played a role towards research. They were donated to Metropolitan museum of art in the year 2009. The preparation of the trays is carried out in the area where they use them. They dispose them immediately after use. The remains are collected and placed in jars and the coffins.

Stone boiling maize with limestone in Mesa

The research is in Cedar Mesa. The location is in the North of South Juan River in South East Utah. In 1970, it was carried out by Matson who found out a regular occurrence of burned limestone. The aim of the research was to determine whether cedar limestone located on the banks of the river was used as a heating element for maize. The use of lime is to create a cooking environment that is alkaline. The environment enhances the availability of proteins. These balanced the diet through the provision of additional proteins. Cooking of maize using alkali treatment of corn is still a preferred method around the globe. Most people still consume boiled corn and roasted; the ancient practices that were employed in Cedar Mesa.

Comparisons and similarities

The experiments are both used to gain an understanding of the past patterns of the people, the evolution of individuals towards particular stages and the trends, and the attitudes towards life. In the first experiment, the mud trays are used as cultural rituals in times of death at the mortuary. It helps one to understand the rituals surrounding the death. The plates are used only within 3 to 4 hours. If they required many, a lot of people would prepare them as it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to make one tray. These shows how the culture brought people together, how significant it was to them and the value of the plates at that particular time. In the second experiment, there is stone boiling maize with limestone. It is highlighting the feeding patterns of the people, the evolution of food at stages, and the change of consumption habits. Both the experiments are conducted along the river banks that are in the River Nile for the stone trays and San Juan River for stone boiling maize. Both findings are symbolic. The use of stone trays is not applicable in the present. The use of alkali treatment is still applicable all over the world. Experiments like these enable us to recognise the roots and appreciate the past. Some of the ancient discoveries contain essential knowledge. Knowledge is power; therefore, if it is preserved well and passed into generations, it may play a fundamental role towards appreciating history. The modern society is changing the values, systems and beliefs of people. Technology is eroding the roots of a culture that were symbolic. More funds are donated towards scientific innovations compared to other fields (Marshall and Alistair 120). Archaeology is significant as it establishes the cause of problems such as global warming and provides solutions.

The role of experiments in understanding the past.

The tests are helpful for understanding the history. Through the study, one can understand the behaviour traits of the people at that particular time. One can determine the type of food consumed by the people, the climate and the houses they lived. Understanding the past provides knowledge that can be used to change the future. Archaeology brings answers to questions. These will get lost if research is not conducted to provide answers. The experiments consider everything relating to the human past. The increase in population has resulted in the destruction of evidence for research (Whitehead and Paul F et al. 56). The modern society is changing the way we are living. Fewer funds are available towards investigation and preservation of artefacts for future generations. The study helps one make informed decisions. Through archaeology, we learn about the lost civilisations and the victims of war. It gives people of the past a voice (Nami and Hugo G. 37). Besides, understanding about our origins enables one to make informed decisions about the future.

Role of ancient technology and limitation of artefacts

Old technology is necessary compared to experiments on artefacts. It provides first-hand information about how life used to be. One can see the changes from the past to present. The survival techniques that were used by ancient people required a lot of patience. They had optimism that they could make things happen with so much little. In that case, we can embrace the past and appreciate life. On the other hand, we can relate history with science and geography. For instance, we can relate to modern day issues like global warming and why they are taking place. Technology makes work easier, but its role regarding effects on environmental degradation is huge. More money is spent in labs towards research on diseases and medication. The diseases were not there in the past. Most of them could be as a result of pollution and exposure to toxic substances. Through the study of the past, we can learn about how our actions affect the future. By appreciating the past, therefore, we can take the necessary steps towards living a sustainable life that protects the past, present and future. Most of the information obtained from the history is applied in many fields. It helps people make adjustments that are vital towards protection of the community. The artefacts, however, have limitations in the sense that the results obtained from the research are not conclusive. The research is on past data and the evidence collected is already destroyed. The exact date when they were made may not be precisely known. Carbon dating, on the other hand, may not be accurate because the materials change over time (Whitehead and Paul F et al. 43). Despite the limitations, it is important as it helps one to have knowledge of how events happened in the past.


Archaeology is important towards the society. It provides vital knowledge that is valuable for research. It enables us to make comparisons from the past and the present. Previous comparisons can be used to evaluate the present and make predictions of the future. It has economic benefits in the sense that money raised towards the museums can be used for further research. It can create awareness in the society and make people make informed choices about life. More funds should be available towards the research as this will go a long way in benefitting the community and the world.

Work Cited

Marshall, Alistair. Experimental Archaeology. 1st ed., Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011.

Mathieu, James R. Experimental Archaeology. 1st ed., Oxford, England, Archaeopress, 2002.

Nami, Hugo G. “Archaeology, Paleoindian Research And Lithic Technology In The Middle Negro River, Central Uruguay”. Archaeological Discovery, vol 01, no. 01, 2013, pp. 1-22. Scientific Research Publishing, Inc, doi:10.4236/ad.2013.11001.

Roussin, Lucille. “Lucille A. Roussin. Review Of “Art And Judaism In The Greco-Roman World: Toward A New Jewish Archaeology” By Steven Fine.”. Caa.Reviews, 2010, College Art Association, doi:10.3202/

Whitehead, Paul F et al. A Photographic Atlas For Physical Anthropology. 1st ed., Englewood, Morton Publishing Company, 2005.

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