Analysis of the Play "Tartuffe"

Has the Maukingbird Theatre Company Had Success in Creating Innovative Gay-Themed Theatre?

The production has been successful in creating innovation in gay themed theatre, evidenced in its award-winning projects. It has also had collaborations with other talented artists who perform and instruct the students on theatre production. The company also provides acting opportunities for its students as seen in their performances within and outside Drexel. Additionally, Maukingbird has managed to create innovative plays that evoke change in all fields, such as those in gay-themed leadership.

Description of The Play  

The play talks of Tartuffe, a religious hypocrite, who convinces his naive associates that he is a pious and devout Christian. It also depicts the sham evident among religious leaders, hence its initial ban in France. It however, helps to portray instances of pretense in churches, thereby acting as an awareness tool for the audience.

The Design Elements Used in The Play

The bright colors on stage help showcase the actors costume, hence the exact time when the play was set. The rise in tone evidenced by the actors when Orgon tells Mariane about her marriage to Tartuffe shows the disbelief in Mariane.

How Personal Biases Influence the Way We Respond to Plays

Personal bias influences the way we make decisions on various topics represented in plays. People opposed to various themes such as religious hypocrisy are likely to criticize such plays. Unconscious and conscious bias also affects the way we view actors, hence making hasty conclusions about the plays. Awareness and education on bias can however help to solve this problem.

A Tweet That Describes My Experience of The Play

True character cannot be hidden.

Two Questions About the Production for Class Discussion

Which was the most captivating scene?

Which actor portrayed the character appropriately?

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