Analysis of Family Background

Family background is an essential aspect of an individual's life. History of any family is the total of a variety of socio-cultural as well as economic factors that interrelate in the lives of individuals repeatedly. Family background influences the lives of individuals either positively or negatively depending on the nature of the history.Buchmann (2002) supposes that backgrounds of individuals have a great impact in the way any family undertakes its activities.

Many individuals have researched family backgrounds and have arrived at several conclusions concerning the topic that is of quite a significance motivated towards establishing the facts behind family backgrounds about the career influence of different individuals. Evaluation of family backgrounds has happened over time in a variety of of ways as discussed below.

Evaluation of family backgrounds

Family background is measured basedBuchmann (2002) suggests several evaluative methods are available for evaluating the family backgrounds of families basing

on a variety of factors that interplay within the lives of specific individuals. Economically, a family can be humble or costly depending on the parent's level of income. Families from poor backgrounds are familiar with certain behaviours such as attending public schools and using several other resources apart from living in slum areas according to Buchmann (2002)..

Wealthy families, on the other hand, are characterised by surplus produce that they tend to use recklessly. Wealthy families have parents with very high incomes and children that in most cases are unconscious of the prevailing economic conditions. Children from wealthy families always enrol in private schools, and most of them avoid public amenities and prefer those offering comfort.

Critically, a financial ability is not the best way to evaluate families because money is temporary.

AcademicBuchmann (2002) also focuses on the academic levels in a family is alsoas

a determiner of the background of a family. Many families appear prosperous or financially stable when the parents can support the education of their children comfortably in good schools. Just as confirmed in the previous paragraph, children from humble backgrounds are always attending public schools that benefit from the government's funding for several activities. The government subsidises learning in public schools to make it affordable for low-income families. Low turnouts characterise poor backgrounds at schools where the children cannot find enough to eat while at school and are sometimes forced to engage in income-generating activities. in line with what Buchmann (2002) discusses. School dropouts describe most poor neighbourhoods because the parents are unable to sponsor future education. On the other hand, parents from wealthy backgrounds can fund their children's education to prestigious schools to different levels of their academic admiration. Academic standards are an inappropriate measure because needy students can get scholarships and succeed in life.

According to Buchmann (2002), academic levels of the parents is also an aspect used to evaluate any family’s background. Families, where the parents are learned, are considered wealthy because education comes alongside success. It is a common belief that those who learn can get better-paying jobs and sufficiently fund their family's needs from time to time. Education may not equate to financial stability only in regions that are dominated by racism and national activities where the guarantee of getting a job is assured or absent based on one's skin colour. Contrary, the families where the parents are uneducated or have acquired very little education due to specific factors appear humble backgrounds. Low academic levels may characterise needy families except in instances where the families benefit from scholarships or wealthy families deemed to have low academic qualifications where individuals deliberately fail to go to school. Poverty comes in many ways other than illiteracy such as natural calamities and catastrophes.

FamilyBuchmann (2002) proposes an idea that the family structure is also an element of great significance during the evaluation of any family background. Family structure can either be pure families or extended. Families that are simple where only parents and children are involved can successfully meet their financial needs comfortably without any compromise depending on the level of income of the different parents. Single-parent families find it hard to provide for all the needs of the minors involved in the family because the available parent is the sole breadwinner and the one who determines whether satisfaction of individual needs occurs depending on their level of income. Extended families exert a lot of pressure on aBuchmann (2002) also explains that few working individuals in cases where there are few employed membersget much pressure while supporting the extended families. Other extended families that have collective wealth or inherited property are stable, yet they might not give specific needs preferences in the lives of the children. Some extended families may value education uplifting their status.

FamilyIn summary, Buchmann (2002) illustrates how family backgrounds influence several aspects of an individual's life depending on the nature of the history. Factors influenced by family background include the academic levels of individuals, their personalities, their social status and behaviour. Family background can affect either of these positively or negatively depending on the given aspect. Family backgrounds also have an impact on the way individuals interrelate with each other from time to time depending on the nature of their interaction whether academic, professional or social. Some traits in individuals develop personally not acquired from backgrounds.


Parenting control theory is a theory postulated by an individual, Baumrind (1971) whopostulated the parental control theory.Baumrind related the parenting style of any individual to the outcomes of the children, adolescents and adults. In hisher

postulation, she focused on three main standpoints that can comprise various classes of parents; the authoritarian parenting, the other who is authoritative and the final parent according to Baumrind (1971) who is permissive parent.

Permissive parenting style

The permissive parenting style that appears as one of the three primary methods postulated by Baumrind further subdivides into two subsections that are equally of great significance according. According

to Martin and Maccoby (1983). The), the first permissive parenting style is of the negligent parent while the next is that of the indulgent parent. The permissive parenting style is where parents are soft and are likely to spoil their children.

Permissive Walton (2012) posits that permissive parenting is the type of parenting where the parents warmly appreciate their children and support their decisions according to Walton (2012).. Parents give their children room to undertake their activities without any demands and entirely overly on the decisions of their children. The parents practising this parenting style personally, leave their children to make their own choices and in instances where they have to interrupt them often bribe the children with things such as toys and money. This type of parenting is always soft, nurturing and loving with limited restrictions on the children. The softness involved in the permissive parenting style has a lot of adverse effects on the lives of the children.

Effects Adverse effects of permissive parenting style

Permissive parenting style comes with different effects on the children who go through to this type of upbringing. According to Cherry (2018)), children who experience a permissive parenting style usually have low achievements in life. Children raised in the hands of permissive parents have nothing to strive for in life. The parents do not give the children expectations or demands which they should achieve; this makes the children not to struggle for anything in their lives mainly because they do not see the need to work hard.

Poor decision-making is common in children raised by permissive parenting styles. Essential guidelines and regulations that enable persons to make wise choices lack in the children who went through permissive parenting. These children, many times make poor life decisions such as failing to go to school and indulgence in drugs that end up ruining their entire lives. IntenseCherry (2018) also suggests that intense aggression and minimal emotional understanding is also a characteristic of children raised by permissive parenting style. Such children are unable to control their emotions when faced with challenging situations such as instances where they fail to get that which they crave. Aggressiveness is probably an unpleasant trait that fails to promote the peaceful coexistence of individuals within a society. Poor decision-making also depends on an individual; other individuals can come up with constructive ideas.

Crime and drug abuse are some of the activities that children raised by permissive parenting style face from time to time. Juvenile delinquency is common in children who find it impossible to manage their emotions and anger when things fail to work as they desire. Drug abuse comes as a result of seeking peace because most drugs and different substances give the children users a false illusion of a better life. Drugs make the children feel good temporarily, most drugs such as marijuana and alcohol are commonly applicable in these instances.

Authoritative parenting style

Irresponsibility is also characteristic in children raised in families where a permissive parenting style is preferred. Most children find it hard to manage their habits and other resources such as time because they originate where no restrictions or rules were present. In cases where laws were current, they were inconsistent and served as good as none. in line what Baumrind (1971) discusses. According to the illustration above, it is evident that the permissive parenting style is that type that is flexible giving the children more room to make decisions that should be made by parents. Authoritative parenting is the most successful parenting style.

Authoritative parenting style

Trautner (2017) posits that authoritative

parenting style is also another important aspect of parental control theory that is of great significance. An authoritative parent is one who sets specific limits and restrictions for their children to follow according to Trautner (2017)..

An authoritarian parent is also one who congratulates their children for the little efforts that they make in their daily activities such as school or even an improvement in their behaviour. Authoritative parents instil responsibility in their children enabling to achieve good values that are important for their survival in the society in which they live. Authoritative parenting is an essential approach to raising responsible children.

Authoritative parenting style is demanding, as well as, responsive according to Baumrind (1971). Authoritative parents allow their children to contribute their ideas and express themselves on some issues concerning the family, but the parents ensure that they still retain the control. Allowing the children to freely express themselves in front of other individuals cautious of their language helps the individuals in gaining independence in everything they do, they mostly undertake their activities responsibly mindful of the consequences that their actions may have on other individuals.

Authoritative parents teach their children to uphold good virtues depending on the reasonable limits that they impose on them according to Coste (2018). Decisions are arrived at by the parents but after negotiations with the children to ensure that both of them agree to the decisions made. In the long run, the children can be able to point out the faults in the actions of their parents which the parents retaliate by apologising to the children. Authoritative parenting style results in several benefits in families where it takes place.

Effects Benefits

of authoritative parenting style

Authoritative parenting is essential because it improves the mental competence of the children according to Pearson, Atkin, Biddle, Gorely, and Edwardson (2010). Authoritative parenting is critical because it ensures that the children developmentally and become able to discern between that which is good and evil. Authoritative parenting contributes a lot to the proper development of individuals in the society; it can help as a foundation for evaluation of sanity within the community. Though most authoritative parenting styles can be useful, others can result in resistance from the children that can have negative impacts.

Finally, the authoritative parenting style is meant to ensure rationality in the behaviour of the children. The parents are loving as well as restrictive in their dealings with the children. The parents meanindicate

well for their children in all their dealings with their children. as discussed by Pearson, Atkin, Biddle, Gorely, and Edwardson (2010). Children raised in authoritative parenting styles are more likely to succeed in life compared to those children raised in permissive parenting styles because of the responsibility they acquire.

Comparison between the authoritative and authoritarianthree parenting styles

Authentic parenting style and the authoritarian parenting styles compare in a few areas. Authoritarian parenting style instils the idea that children are strong-willed naturally while dependable believes that children are bound to make mistakes according to Darling (2014). Authoritative parenting styles allow the children to put forward their idea, but the parents make the ultimate decisions while authoritarian parents still make the decisions but in a softer way after coercing the children. Authoritative and authoritarian parenting are almost similar but differ as shown above. Permissive parenting style is considered to spoil children from the illustrations that are discussed above.


Several research works have taken place in the field of psychology over an extended period, particularly family psychology. IntergenerationBengston and Roberts (1991) proposed the intergeneration theory is critical because it tries to explain the varied forms of parent-child cohesion that occur in families all over the world. Bengtson and Roberts (1991) undertook the earlier part of the research work and came up with three dimensions that are of great psychological significance about families.The intergeneration theory expresses itself in six different dimensions. Affect; is the first dimension that refers to the feelings that the parents and children experience emotional closeness. according to Bengston and Roberts (1991). The second dimension identified by the initial research involves the association which refers to the number of times the individuals involved interact as explained by Jones (2012). The interaction between individuals can base on several activities that occur regardless of where they take place as confirmed by Vanderven (2008). The third dimension is consensus; a consensus is the ideally the state of agreeing with the values and beliefs involved in the interactions. An agreement may not always take place in some instances where the children believe that it is their right.

Bengston and Roberts (1991) alongside Silverstein and Bengston (1997) added three more dimensions to the previous aspects to sum them up to six, they said function which basically meant the distribution of resources, structure that defined the proximity of the geographical locations as well as norms that refers to the obligations that are felt. The intergenerational theory mainly relates to the interactions between individuals of different ages in any setup. The interactions between the two groups of individuals, most probably the elderly and children involve several undertakings such as caregiving, care receiving, economic interactions, as well, as rational interactions.

Economic approach of the Intergenerational theory

Economically, the method of intergenerational solidarity plays a very significant role as confirmed by Gary, Scot, Kevin and Jorg (2015). Taking an example of two parents who both have single children. Considering a factor such as all the children being of the same age which is the majority age. One of the two parents is poor while the other is wealthy, it is evident that the wealthy parent will primarily invest in their child while the poor parents have so little to spend. Investment in the children is of different forms. Most parents can leave behind capital resources entitled to their children so that the children can benefit from the same. Other parents would prefer to invest in their children regarding giving them maximum education and high-quality learning opportunities in prestigious learning institutions.

Poor parents find it hard to invest in their children's education to very high levels due to the financial constraints. as Vanderven (2008).

Needy families face difficulties in finding something that the children can inherit regarding capital wealth as compared wealthy and financially stable families. Inequalities result in the society regarding social interactions due to the economic differences that make the different classes of people have different abilities in funding their children. according to Jones (2012). The government steps in to undertake specific programs meant to improve the livelihoods of the less fortunate in the societies. The government subsidises the academic programs conducted in public schools where poor students attend to make it affordable for their parents.

Public schools are not considered a substantial investment in the lives of children because of several reasons. Many students enrol in the public schools from the extensive low-economic status backgrounds that occupy most parts of the region. The student to teacher ratio is quite significant that reduces the quality of teaching services offered in the public schools. The government does not collect enough resources that can guarantee all the students comfortable academic activities in their large numbers; this means that the public schools face inadequacies of essential amenities that are available in private schools where wealthy parents send their children according to Atkinson, Kivett and Campbell (1986). Employers prefer children who attended private schools compared to those who went to public schools because of the excellent academic experiences offered in the private schools.

Six dimensions involved in the Intergenerational Theory

The intergenerational theory focuses on several aspects of the society apart from the economic composition. The six sizes included in the argument are of great theoretical significance in explaining family organisations between the different families. Affect; the idea focuses on the emotional closeness that exists between parents and their childrentwo groups of individuals of a wide age gap according to Bengtson and Roberts (1991), this shows that the parents and their children are psychologically attached to each other through specific instants of disagreements may arise where it gives rise to another dimension, the consensus. Consensus involves the understanding that exists between the parents and their children in instances where they make unanimous decisions after a series of negotiated interactions. After solutions are arrived at by the parties involved which are, a parent and their child, then they can associate, this gives rise to a new dimension, association. Association enables the parents to unite with their children and learn about the challenges that they face in their daily interactions among themselves or with the parents. Association gives an opportunity for the parents to bond with their children.

Norms are also essential dimensions in the study of intergenerational theory. The standards highlight the obligations that are naturally existent between the parents and the children involved in any family. according to Atkinson, Kivett and Campbell (1986). As discussed above, the parent gives care to the child who later provides care to the parents at old age. A concern is both given and received from both ends it only depends on the giver and the time. During the period within which the caregiving and reception have involved the structure of the families affected is determined, regarding geographic closeness and other locative factors that interplay within the environments within which the families interact daily according to Moor and Komter (2018). Additionally, the function is also an essential dimension in the intergenerational theory. The function determines the sharing of resources; wealthy parents are the other who can share a lot of resources to their children while the poor hardly have anything to share with their children at the time of their demise.


In summary, this first section has focussed on three issues of great concern; family background, parenting control theory, and the intergenerational approach of family sociology in any environment. The first part that focussed on the family background highlighted the different aspects that are used to classify families into different contexts such as economic capability, education levels of both children and parents. The section also underscored to the various signs that family backgrounds have on the lives of the children.

Secondly, the section focussed on the parenting control theory. Within the approach, the segment highlighted the three different methods as discussed by Baumrind (1971) who referred to them as parenting styles. Three parenting styles came in this study; the permissive parenting further divides into indulgent and negligent according to Maccoby and Martin (1983). The study also highlighted the effects of permissive parenting. The section also outlined authoritative parenting alongside its benefits on the life of any individual. Lastly, the article highlighted the authoritarian parenting style and went ahead to compare the authentic and the authoritarian parenting styles. This section focused on three theories that explained the idea of family sociology to great lengths. The background gave an elaborate idea of families while the parental control properly highlighted the parenting styles and thereafter, the intergenerational theory expounded on the dimensions involved within the families.

Finally, the section focussed on the intergenerational theory in its six different dimensions. The study also centred on the argument from an economic approach that gave a clear illustration of the case. Indeed, family theories are of great significance in the study of psychology and sociology.

2. Family influence career choices



An adolescent is a very challenging stage in an individual's life because it is the point of transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescents come in various forms and with several responsibilities that the individuals face, one of which is the decision on what careers to land on in an attempt to work. Working enhances the productivity of an individual to meet all their basic needs according to Beauregard (2007). Career is divided into two; those which are motivated by an individual’s subject of interest or entrepreneurship as illustrated by Bratcher (1982). The choices on which careers an individual should choose largely depends on the family that surrounds them according to Vargas-Benitez (2017). Therefore, the families of an individual can either influence the career choice of an individual negatively or positively. The three family theories discussed above also enhance the understanding of the idea behind the family influence on the career choice of adolescents.

Exposure of a child to different fields by a parent is beneficial in helping the child to develop reasonable interests and make responsible decisions. Trautner (2017) explains that authoritarian parents can convince their children towards making certain decisions of great significance to their career. Parents can link their children to their colleagues in different fields and enable them to interact, by so doing, the children gain an interest in the particular area which may inform their career choice. By doing this, the parents allow the adolescents to venture into the career fields of their liking. In such instances where children have the opportunities of venturing into the careers of their tastelove, they end up victorious in their fields.

The influence that arises from the dynamic nature of any family is also of great significance. According to Baumrind (1971), authoritative parents instil desirable values in their children by their restrictions on certain undertakings within the family. According to Vargas-Benitez (2017), children can love the careers of their parents if they feel that it gives them happiness. For instance, where a parent is a teacher, and an adolescent can see the good that their parent is doing to the community by their providing their teaching services, they too are motivated to join their parents' career. This influence is positive in situations where the parents of an individual are practising legal and appropriate services to the community. Other instances where the parents of an adolescent practice unacceptable behaviour such as the sale of illegal substances can negatively affect the career choice of the children. Several instances arise where children can get more attracted to entrepreneurship simply because

Self-identity is another influencing factor that determines the career choice of adolescents which is mainly influenced by the family. As earlier discussed, thean

adolescent stage is a transition period where most adolescents want to identify who they are. According to Middleton and Loughead (1993), the adolescent stage is the most crucial stage where the children want to establish their identities in the society through their careers. Careers are classified differently depending on the respect that each comes with from time to time. At this point in identifying children's personality and identity, it is crucial for the parents to take their time and address the children based on their strengths. In instances where the parents leave the children to venture on careers on their own, some children may venture on jobs that do not favour their personalities making them lose hope in the process according to Vargas-Benitez (2017). Adolescents require appropriate advice which can be beneficial through the authoritarian parenting style.

According to Vargas-Benitez (2017), parental interest in teen activities is also an essential to influence on the career choice of adolescents. Instances where parents take the keen interest in the events that their children involve themselves motivate the children to work much harder and invest most of their efforts in the circumstances.activities.

For instance, when a parent always wants to accompany their child to the swimming training club each time it is relevant, the child is able to notice the notice the interest of their parent in the same and they are more likely to make much effort towards their success in the activity that can turn to become their career path. Permissive parents that are indulgent appreciate this idea by their method of parenting. in line with Baumrind (1971).

Permissive parents can assist their children in improvingto improve

in their hobbies and talents to athe point of turning them into careers by supporting the children.

Qualifax's article on "the parent's role on career selection'' (2018) proposes an idea that the expectations that parents have for their children can also affect their career selection. Authoritative parents can at times set very high limits for their children presenting certain expectations that the children may struggle to achieve. Most authoritative parents always want their children to land in lucrative careers that are more satisfying in the society. Authoritative parents also take care of their image in the community in which they interact with other families repeatedly as illustrated by Fouad, Kim, Ghosh, Chang and Figueiredo (2015). Authoritative parents always want the best for their children; this makes it rare for the children to arrive at poor decisions about the choice of careers. Most authoritative parents support academic influenced jobs of formal employment and are opposed to entrepreneurship ventures.

Qualifax’s article on “the parent’s role on career selection’’ (2018) also highlights the need of parents to give their children as much education as possible to help them in career choice. Adequate training opens the avenues of career choice; when an individual has the high level of education, they can choose from the wide variety of careers that they are exposed. The association dimension as proposed in the intergenerational theory also enables the children to work together with their parents in choosing an appropriate career according to the explanations of Baines (2009). The parents can expose their children to reasonable careers that are of great significance to their lives.

Parental behaviour during the choice of a career by an individual is of great significance according to Keller and Whiston (2008). How parents behave depends on their interests against that of their children. Most parents have a negative response to the ideas that some children may want to involve themselves in entrepreneurial activities. Most parents want their children to engage themselves in formalinformal

employment. Parents are mainly interested in career titles, and very few cases assist the children through the challenges that the adolescents go through during their career life according to Palos and Drobot (2010). Most parents are interested in improving their image in front of other families that they relate with daily. Positive parental behaviours with regards to the career paths of their children encourages the adolescents to prosper in the chosen paths. Negative parental behaviours such as lack of support is able to discourage the career growth of an adolescent.

Different parenting roles and qualities are responsible for good career choice between the adolescents according to Bryant, Zvonkovic and Reynolds (2006). They believe that when adolescents acquire the knowledge, beliefs, as well as, values that are related to options of work are relevant for the choice of good careers by the adolescents. Different family perspectives such as the structure and social capital are relevant in determining the job of an adolescent. Adolescents are vulnerable to family influence where the families are either extended or straightforward. Adolescent'sAdolescents acquire motivation may arise from the need to develop their families economically for those who come from the humble background. Adolescents who come from humble origins are always attracted to well-paying careers other than passion-driven jobs.

Historical conditions and the roles within the family are of great significance in the choice of a career by any adolescent. Bryant, Zvonkovic and Reynolds (2006) propose that adolescents may want to maintain the legacy of their parents and continue with their history, for instance, in a situation where an adolescent's family is made of several priests now, and before their existence, they would not want to disappoint their families according to Hughes and Thomas (2003). Roles of adolescents within their families can also determine the nature of the careers that they indulge. Adolescents who double up as guardians to their siblings engage in fast-paying occupations to enable them to support themselves. According to this review, it is indeed evident that the choice of careers by the adolescent is highly dependent on their families as explained relative to the family theories.


Family backgrounds is an essential factor in the adolescent's quest for education abroad. Most students that come from poor backgrounds believe that studyi

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