Agency and Structure in Social Theory

Are you an autonomous free agent or are you conditioned and constrained by society? (Hint: structure vs agency debate).

The topic of whether structure and agency portray social phenomena best is one of the leading discussion in the social science. In the foundations of social science, there is a standing debate over the primacy of structure or agency is shaping human behavior (Giddens, 1991). We can state agency to the capability of an individual to act independently and also make his own free choices. On the other hand, the structure stated as recurrent patterned arrangement which affects or constraints the choices and opportunities available (Hays, 1994). The agency versus structure debate might be comprehended as a matter of socialization against autonomy in establishing whether a person actions as a free agent or in a manner dictated by the social structure they coexist in.

Moreover, other theories go on to state what structure is all about. The theories state that it is a vision of the world where power structures are dominant and responsible for orchestrating the conduct of people (Hays, 1994). For example, par excellence is a concept in the argument of Emile Durkheim in his theoretical work. Emile Durkheim argues that significant of the social facts and policies structure and organize the actions of people in the world (Durkheim, 2013). The theoretical arguments greatly affect social-anthropological studies. This was more dominant and prominent in work done in the ethnographic work done by Radcliffe Brown, Evan-Pritchard and Meyer Fortes (Giddens, 1991).

On the other hand, the agency concept has been eagerly focused on the foundations of person`s judgments, decisions and actions (Schryer, Lingard, Spafford & Garwood, 2003). Here people with a given degree can plan, define, comprehend, organize and execute their activities. Besides that, the agency concept further argues that the society that people exist is as a result of human creativity, rationality and autonomy. The society is an aggregation of people`s activities that establish the society they want to live. This concept of agency is backed up by a study done by Max Weber. Weber argues that human intentions and calculations are a process of social action (Giddens, 1991).

Nonetheless, we have a situation in which both the agency and the structure concepts are put together to bring a balance in the argument among the two concepts. In a social theoretical concept that was argued by Anthony Giddens as he tries to reconcile both perspectives (Giddens, 1979).  They state that both structure and agency have dialectical correlation and are significant in the explanation of the social life and organization. Anthony Giddens sees both agency and structure as iterative processes. To illustrate his argument, he states that a person will act under specific social structures and situations that exist and at the same time, the person will try to recreate those same structures. “He even suggests that structure is not external to individuals; as memory traces, and as instantiated in social practices, it is in a certain sense more internal than exterior to their activities in a Durkheimian sense” (Giddens, 1979).

In regards to contemporary world instances, I support the third opinion concerning agency and structure. In the modern society, we can state that people are structured and constrained, and at the same time they have the free will to do whatever actions they desire (Giddens, 1979). For example, at the early stage of growth of a kid, he will be constrained and structured by the parent`s desires and ambitions. The kid cannot have the capability to make his judgement or actions. When he goes to school, he will still follow a given set structure of education and curriculum. However, at a given age, let’s say over 18 years, that’s when the kid can determine his actions and activities without the parent's influence. Therefore, it will be right to support Anthony Giddens agreement that we coexist in the presence of both agency and structured society (Hays, 1994). Thus, the society is made of constrained society then followed by autonomous free agents.

Finally, the study of sociology has been significant in my comprehension and understanding of structure-agency concepts. For instance, in the field of law. There have been set laws and policies by the government to prevent citizens from taking the law into their own hands. Even thou, we might have the freedom to our actions, activities and judgements, there is a given limit that we are not supposed to pass (Giddens, 1979). The restriction of my agency in regards to the law is essential, and it makes society a better place for all. Imagine living a society where every individual is allowed to do what they want. Taking the law into their hand without any restrictions. The resultant community will be full of chaos and violence. That is why it is important even if one has agency, there must be retractions to some level. On the other hand, there are some situations in which societal constraints on individual`s freedom can be a bad thing (Hays, 1994). For example, whenever one wants to give his opinion to correct the government`s wrongdoing but his societal freedom is a constraint. It is at this point whereby constraining individual`s freedom is terrible.


Durkheim, E. (2013). Durkheim: The rules of sociological method: And selected texts on sociology and its method. Palgrave Macmillan.

Giddens, A. (1979). Agency, structure. In Central problems in social theory (pp. 49-95). Palgrave, London.

Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and self-identity: Self and society in the late modern age. Stanford university press.

Hays, S. (1994). Structure and agency and the sticky problem of culture. Sociological theory, 57-72.

Schryer, C. F., Lingard, L., Spafford, M., & Garwood, K. (2003). Structure and agency in medical case presentations. Writing selves/writing societies: Research from activity perspectives, 62-96.

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