Adaptation of Human

The people always possess the capability to modify biologically to the environment

The people always possess the capability to modify biologically to the environment that is they undergo variant that can enhance their biological suitability in a unique milieu; in other words, it is the triumphant interface of the inhabitants with the surroundings. The adjustments can either be cultural or genetic, and in the biological ones, they constantly differ in duration from solely some seconds for a response to a lifelong for genetics. Conversely, the cultural adaptations can take place at any second and can be as comfortable as wearing a vest when it is warm or as intricate as using an alternating contemporary in a house.

The Inuit people of the American sub-Arctic

The Inuit people of the American sub-Arctic do possess reasonably heavy skin color due to the biological adaptations they have undergone to suit well in their cold environment. The Inuit people don’t rely on the sun on the intake of vitamin D, but instead, they get it from their diet more so on the sorts of fatty fish that are in nature affluent in the D vitamin. Therefore, the full quantity of vitamin D in the Inuit people’s diet is what has led to their development of the dense skin pigmentation irrespective of their chilly climate that does not call for more melanin. Moreover, the group has only been in the environment for about 5,000 years which may not have been adequate for the less production of melanin through natural selection (O’Neil, p 10).

The melanin usually generated by the specialized skin cells

The melanin usually generated by the specialized skin cells is what determines a person’s skin color. The melanin intensity depends on the amount of exposure to the sunlight and the race. There are often various disorders that are in association with the sunlight and melanin production. The first one is albinism which is a rare hereditary disease due to the total or partial lack of melanin in the skin. There is also the melasma which is the dark brown proportioned bits of color on the face, the vitiligo that is even white patches in the membrane due to the loss of the melanocytes which are responsible for the production of pigment (Stanford Children’s Health, p 3).

The gloger’s rule

The gloger’s rule, which is among the various zoological set of laws that recognize the adaptation patterns at a global degree posits that the darker birds do often exist in the moist localities than in the dry ones, more so in the tropics. The rule is also factual in some mammalian factions, and that is inclusive of the humans. Consequently, the animals that inhabit the deserts usually tend to be of light color (Yadun, p 2).

The rickets is still a problem in the globe

The rickets is still a problem in the globe due to the biological adaptability of humans to the environment. The individuals staying in the far northern latitudes where there is comparatively weaker solar radiation are usually at an advantage with the little skin pigmentation as nature selects for low melanin when there is weaker ultraviolet radiation. In such a locality, dark skin is an inconvenience as it averts the production of enough vitamin D hence leading to rickets in children. For that case, once there is still a biological adaptation as regards the production of melanin, then there will always be the problem of rickets (O’Neil, p 9).

Various cultural factors often influence the effects of the sun

Various cultural factors often influence the effects of the sun, for instance, the Australians depend on the sunglasses to protect themselves from the ultraviolet radiations. They usually cover up themselves while in outdoors; use the water-resistant sunscreen that can obstruct both the UVA and the UVB rays.

Therefore, the humans can always adapt to their environments

Therefore, the humans can always adapt to their environments both biologically and culturally. However, some biological adjustments necessitate a more extended period to take place; for example, the Inuit people have stayed in their environment for about 5,000 years but have not undergone the melanin adaptation of their skin. Also, the problem of rickets in the world is still there due to the biological adjustments of people to the environment leading to the changes in skin pigmentation some of which hinder the production of vitamin D.

Works Cited

O'Neill, Dennis. "Human Biological Adaptability: Skin Color as an Adaptation." Palomar College - Learning for Success, 2013,

Stanford Children's Health. "Default - Stanford Children's Health." Stanford Children's Health - Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, 2017,

Yadun, Simcha L. "Gloger's Rule in Plants: The Species and Ecosystem Levels." Pub Med Central (PMC), 19 Jan. 2016,

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