Academic Success in College

Dropping out of School

Dropping out of school is sometimes caused by students getting bored and failing to see the link between academic life and success in real life. On a social level, to reduce the number of college and university dropouts, there is need for communities and schools to bring together resources to help meet the complex academic and social needs of students. On a personal level, students should set achievable academic goals and work towards realizing them, with the help and support of their parents, tutors, and faculty.

Successfully Graduating from College

To successfully graduate from college, I would create a system to establish priorities to effectively balance college independence, classwork, and extracurricular activities. To achieve this, I would set priorities and adhere to a schedule to manage my class workload and schedule to reduce stress. What is more, I would foster a mentoring relationship with lecturers, teaching assistants, and faculty members to ensure I get guidance on how to cope and graduate successfully. Importantly, I would regularly check in with my academic goals to ensure they are on track by asking myself where I want to see myself a few years after graduation.

Succeeding in Academic Endeavors

To help me succeed in my academic endeavors, the faculty and university administration should expand my personal point of view on my education potential, opportunities, and career. Additionally, they should create a positive school climate while also making positive relationships a high priority in the classroom and school environment. This will make me feel attached to the school and enable me to view the school as a supportive community, which recognizes my individuality while also caring about and promoting my success. The state and the federal government can help me succeed by providing me with financial support and using an interdisciplinary team of academic, vocational, and support staff to plan and monitor curriculum while also providing me with additional instructional support.

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