about dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are a kind of ancient reptile that lived in this universe about 245 million years ago. Some of the birds that are dinosaurs are modern birds; this is attributed to the fact that they have the same ancestor as the non-avian dinosaurs. Non-avian dinosaurs, which are now extinct, ranged in scale and appearance significantly, with some weighing up to 80 tons and being more than 120 feet tall. Some were the size of birds like chickens and weighed as little as 9 pounds. All non-avian dinosaurs remained on land. Others went to live into the waters such as in the swamps and lakes for searching food; they did not remain entirely in water. The dinosaurs that walked on the two legs eat meat at the same time; they individually hunted or sometimes did in sets. The dinosaurs that were plant-eaters as well spent their time together on either in doubles or walked having all legs, and they fed themselves on grass grazed as well as green vegetables. Some of the characteristics of how dinosaurs are classified from other reptiles is through an outlet in the hollow through a hip, that permitted the walking of dinosaurs while standing

Types of Dinosaurs


Sauropods are the biggest, with four legs, herbivore dinosaur that possessed trunk that was bloated, they also contained necks which too long and long tails. They also had small heads with a similar undersized mind as described by the paleontologist. Sauropod in Greek terms also means ‘’the foot of the lizard” in this case; it was enough to that this was an odd one out and it was included amongst the least intuitive traits of this kind of dinosaurs. These reptiles might have been the dumbest of all the dinosaurs, having a smaller quotient that was encephalization than of those of stegosaurs or ankylosaurs (Barrett et al., 2004). Not every sauropod had long necks as well as containing the size of the buildings as noticed species; on the other hand, Europasaurus appeared in carrying only almost the considerable ox’s size. Some of the familiarized sauropods of the ancient ages which were well-known creatures resemble as Diplodocus dinosaur as well as Apatosaurus dinosaurs (Barrett et al., 2004).

The Evolution of the Sauropod

According to Barrett et al., (2004), the first actual known categories of sauropod were like Barapasaurus as well as Vulcanodon which arises from two hundred million years ago, during the ancient period up to Jurassic stage which was known as the middle period. These were known as sized creature recognized as less critical, infrequently bipedal prosauropods that arose before the sauropods such as Anchisaurus as well as Massospondylus that were personally connected in becoming dinosaurs which are identified as dinosaurs.

Approximately, Sauropods reached their peak of distinction before the ending Jurassic stage nearly one hundred million years back. Grown-up adults consisted of a logically uncomplicated excursion. Nevertheless, those between 25-50 ton behemoths were practically resistant to prediction (Barrett et al., 2004). Nonetheless, it was possible for packs of Allosaurs to gang up on adult Diplodocus; together with the sweltering, evergreen plants that stuck on jungles enveloped much of the Jurassic nations which provided a steady allocation of harvest.

However, we notice that some titanosaurs inherited initial armor planting this enhanced to a development alteration towards being hunted by, large predators’ dinosaurs which in turn led to significant titanosaurs such as Argrntinosaurus who considered being more prime compared to the considerable sauropods (Bonaparte, 1986).

Sauropod Conduct as Well As Its Functioning

Sauropods were the eating machines concerning benefiting their sizes, but on the hand, the grownups had to scarf down a considerable amount of pounds of green vegetables as well as the leaves every day to fuel their massive volume. Sauropods emerged when they well prepared amid of essential binary forms of teeth whichever horizontal or concave-aligned depending on their diets as in Camarasaurus as well as Brachiosaurus or thin and peg-like as is it Diplodocus. Spoon toothed Sauropods presumably subsisted on more robust green plants that needed most reliable kinds of chewing as well as grinding (Bonaparte, 1986).

Many of the paleontologists trust that sauropods came up with their quite-lengthened necks according to likeness with present giraffes to accomplish the plants that are high in the trees. But, this brings a lot of misunderstandings and doubts while it responded given that the process of blood pumping toward 40 feet altitude would damage even the most enormous, most healthy heart (Bonaparte, 1986). Some of the paleontologists yet suggested with the aim that necks of a few sauropods had strings consisting of an additional type of organs such as Mesozoic bucket group however it lacks concrete fossils confirmation.


Thyreophora is a clutch of minor to almost dominant reinforced herbivores dinosaurs. Although there were many groups of Thyreophora, Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus were the major of this kind. The first Thyrephoran was known as the Scutellosaurus. This was a slim-tailed creature that was well recognized from the past times in a place well known as the Jurassic of the western America. This beast is also categorized among the oldest known Ornithischians. Scutellosaurus also is the most little kind of the armored dinosaurs (Thompson, 2012). They are known to have grown to about one to two meters in length. Even though they had armor plate-like skin that was packed on its back, the plates were not more prominent than the afterward Thyreophorans.

Apart from the Scutellosaurus, another species of the Thyreophoran is referred to as the Scelidosaurus (Hayashi et al., 2009). This kind lived in the western regions of Europe about two hundred million years ago. Scelidosaurus dinosaur unlike the Scutellosaurus, they grew to about four to five meters in length. They had a one-meter long tail, and also they walked on four. Just like the latest armored dines, the Stegosaurus had spines on their backs. Apart from the thorns, they also consisted of talons that could be correlated to hoofs. Unfortunately, Scelidosaurus species were not early recognized and therefore, this resulted in difficulties in appreciating the development of this species until the late years of the 20th century (Hayashi et al., 2009).

Together with the above discussed Thyreophoran, there are other two groups of Thyreophoran. These two major groups are the Stegosauri together with the Ankylosauria. The first type the Stegosaurus was covered with double rows of spines that were informed of plates whereby they went down through their backs to their tails. This form even though they were rare, they habituated in the Jurassic and the southern India. Different from other species, the Stegosaurus until today, are highly recognized in the whole world.

On the other hand, Ankylosauria consisted of widespread armoring plus almost every bone of its external was merged inside plates. Part of this species dwelt in the Nodosauridand another part habituated in the Jurassic region. Ankylosauia in most cases were differentiated by their broad heads, spines running down from their vertebral column towards the leaders. They also owned tails that resembled clubs and were heavy. The clubs like tails most of the time acted as defensive mechanisms towards enemies.

Similarities and Differences between Sauropods and Thyreophora

Sauropods were both plant eaters as well as meat eaters while Thyreophara were only plant eaters.

ii. Sauropods lived both on the dry land and on water, but on the other hand, Thyreophara lived on dry land.

iii. Sauropods live on earth from about 245 years ago, however; Thyreophara lived on earth of approximately 180-200 years ago.

iv. Sauropods are more than two types of dinosaurs while Thyreophara is classified into two categories.

Work Cited

Barrett, P., Chiappe, L., Coria, R., Rogers, K. C., Dingus, L., Erickson, G. M., ... & Upchurch, P. (2004). The sauropods.

Bonaparte, J. F. (1986). The dinosaurs (Carnosaurs, Allosaurids, Sauropods, Cetiosaurids) of the Middle Jurassic of Cerro Cóndor (Chubut, Argentina). In Annales de Paleontology (Vert.- Invert.) (Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 325-386).

Hayashi, S., Carpenter, K., & Suzuki, D. (2009). Different growth patterns between the skeleton and osteoderms of Stegosaurus (Ornithischia: Thyreophora). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29(1), 123-131.

Thompson, R. S., Parish, J. C., Maidment, S. C., & Barrett, P. M. (2012). Phylogeny of the ankylosaurian dinosaurs (Ornithischia: Thyreophora). Journal of Systematic Paleontology, 10(2), 301-312.

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