Abal was found dead at the edge of the raging Seine after he reportedly presented a letter to the police suggesting on various matters of discipline and prison life. Conflicts come as a result of a serious disagreement between individuals thus the need for the mediator to intervene. The dispute in this incident arose because of the death of one character and the deceit in their relationship. The paper explores the conflict between two friends, that is, Valgian and Jak on the death of Abal and one of them being dishonest. In the end, another person comes in who helps in resolving the conflict between them.

            Conflicts arose because of both mental and emotional suffering. Jak had been suffering a broken collarbone as well as he had lost a lot of blood from the wounds. After a short period with the raging fever, he reportedly recovered while staying in his grandfather’s house.  He immediately turned into his girlfriend, Caste, to whom he believed was a simple working-class girl with no money to replace the gap made because of his lost brother.

            Conflicts promote marriage problems and untruth in the society. Valgian was the only person who had full information on the Caste’s illegitimate birth, and thus there were no obstacles regarding the Caste and Jak’s marital ecstasy. A day before the wedding, Valgian faked an accident purposely to scam that he could not forget a false name on the marriage certificate. For that reason, another man signed the original documents without Jak’s knowledge, and Caste went into another household. However, the nights for Valgian was too thoughtful and distressed as he had lost his girl whom he loved so much.

            Besides, conflicts make people judge others wrongly and also promote anxiety.  Valgian was so constrained to confess his criminal concerning the past. He went to Jak’s house and explained everything to him. At first, Jak never believed till Valgian was nearly broken down in his attempt to convince and supporting the truth. After the long conversation, they all went back to their residential homes, but in the deep thought for Jak, he accused Valgian as to be behind his failure to marry his beloved girlfriend and to kill Abal. He also began to doubt the legitimacy of the Caste’s dowry.

            Consequently, conflicts make people hold grudges and make the engaged people’s life miserable. Jak ensured that Valgian visits were very minimal and less frequent whereby in any vacation, Vlagian was received in the unfurnished cellar at the bottom of the parlor. Jak was so depressed as a result of having lost his only beloved girlfriend forever. On the other hand, Valgian was at a loose end whereby he lied misery in his room thinking that his relationship with both Caste and Jak won’t be established as they were before.

            However, in any conflict, there is a witness who always tells the truth. Like in this study, Thernadier provides evidence on the death of Abal. For instance, Abal wandered in the town streets lost in thoughts after he had left Valgian in his own house. Besides, it was the first time in his entire life that he was racked by indecision. The thoughts concerning Valgian’s mercy made him impossible to remain honest to his objective whereby he decided to commit suicide. Therefore, Thernadier revealed the truth concerning the information on the endowment that he thought wasn’t earned legitimately and also provided the information that Abal killed himself. Thus, Jak went back to Valgian to ask for forgiveness after gaining the truth.


             In a nutshell, it’s through justice the characters in this study had to find the truth. Moreover, it’s through mercy that had put Abal into the deep thought that leads into his death.  Conflicts promote hatred and anxiety among the people in the society making their life miserable.

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