What Makes the Grand Canyon So Enchanting?

The Grand Canyon: A Natural Wonder

The Grand Canyon is one of the world's most enchanting natural wonders, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its size, diversity of ecosystems, and majesty are all reasons to visit. But what exactly makes this gorge so unique? Its geological features, ranging from a deep gorge to a narrow slit in the middle of the rock, make it one of the world's most spectacular natural wonders.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Located in Arizona, the Grand Canyon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its layered bands of red rock reveal millions of years of geological history. You can get a bird's eye view of the canyon from Lipan Point, Yavapai Observation Station, Mary Colter's Lookout Studio, and Desert View Watchtower. Visit the Lipan Point for wide views of the canyon, which is popular at sunrise.

Diversity of Ecosystems

There are many different types of ecosystems in Grand Canyon. The forest is comprised of pine trees, aspen groves, Douglas fir, and spruce. In this ecosystem, animals, including deer, feed on seeds and find shelter from intense storms. There are also mountain lions that hunt for prey. Juniper trees grow along the lower rim, and they thrive in the warm summers. Pinyon jays and mule deer also reside in this ecosystem.


While the Grand Canyon's length ranges from 160 meters to 29 kilometers, it is also known as the Colorado River's "Great Unconformity" for the dramatic rock formations. The length of the canyon officially begins from Lee's Ferry (located below the Glen Canyon Dam, which makes up Lake Powell) and ends at Lake Mead. The size of the Grand Canyon is an important factor when determining its overall value.

Climate Change

Climate change is changing the water supply for the Grand Canyon. Historically, the canyon relied on a groundwater spring and surface water to support itself. In recent years, however, drought has increased the amount of water stored in Lake Powell, the nation's second largest reservoir. The rising levels of Lake Powell have been detrimental to downstream species, and this change in water availability is affecting the Grand Canyon. Though the effects of climate change aren't readily apparent to most visitors, park staff are taking note of the changes.

Indigenous Tribes

The Indigenous tribes of Grand Canyon have deep spiritual and cultural connections to the region. The park has launched a new website recognizing these connections and highlighting the various projects involving Native Americans in the park. The site includes links to 11 tribal websites and resources for engaging with tribes and their traditions. The new website is scheduled to go live in October 2021. Read on to learn about the projects and the Indigenous tribes involved.

Permits Required

There are several permits required for your visit to the Grand Canyon. These permits are issued to protect the park's resources and to prevent significant disruption of visitor use. Filming and photography require a permit. You can also rent equipment and do overnight backpacking. However, drones are prohibited in Grand Canyon National Park. The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular National Parks in the United States. If you are planning on using a drone to film or photograph, make sure to obtain a permit before you head out.

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